
12 Political Science

American Government: OpenStax

This OpenStax government text has been positively-reviewed and has been successfully adopted by other faculty. It covers introductory concepts in American government, from civil liberties to domestic policy.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

The Arab Spring of Discontent

This Middle-Eastern politics text has been positively-reviewed. It covers concepts in the Arab Spring, from tensions in Tunisia to the fall of the Egyptian regime.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

The Basics of American Government (Second Edition)

Editor: Carl Cavalli

Contributors: Ms. Maria Albo-Carabelli, Ross Alexander, Carl Cavalli, Barry Friedman, Craig Greathouse, Jonathan Miner, Courtney Mitchell, Brian Murphy, K. Michael Reese, Charles “Trey” Wilson

Description: The Basics of American Government is a collaborative effort among eight current and one former faculty members in the Departments of Political Science & International Affairs and Criminal Justice at the University of North Georgia. The purpose of this book is to offer a no-frills, low-cost, yet comprehensive overview of the American political system for students taking introductory courses in American national government.

Furthermore, the work combines the best aspects of both a traditional textbook and a reader in that most chapters offer a piece of original scholarship as a case study to bolster or reinforce the material presented in the chapter. In addition, many chapters present a civic engagement-type exercise and discussion questions intended to challenge, engage, and foster student participation in the political system.

The authors undertook this project for several reasons, most notably the high costs of textbooks for students and the lack of college-level scholarship found in most American Government texts. This 375-page, peer-reviewed, edited book that combines traditional material with original scholarship will cost students $27.99, well below market standards. All of the authors are experienced classroom instructors, subject matter experts, and published researchers in the field of American politics.

Contemporary Issues in Human Rights Law

This human rights text has been positively-reviewed. It covers concepts in rights, from mechanisms to protect human rights to china’s development banks in Asia.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

Critical Epistemologies of Global Politics

This politics text has been positively-reviewed and has been successfully adopted by other faculty. It covers introductory concepts in epistemologies of global politics, from decolonial feminism to ontological violence.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

Critical Perspectives on Migration in the Twenty-First Century

This migration text has been positively-reviewed and has been successfully adopted by other faculty. It covers concepts in 21st-century migration, from human rights to the 2015 migrant crisis.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

Democracy in Brief

This democracy text covers introductory concepts in democracy, from rights change to political parties.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

Democratization through the looking glass

This political science text has been positively-reviewed and peer-edited. It covers concepts in democratization, from economics to law.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

Environment, Climate Change and International Relations

This world international relations text covers introductory concepts in climate politics, from fossil fuel divestment to global climate finance.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

Global Women’s Issues: Women in the World Today

This global politics text has been positively-reviewed and has been successfully adopted by other faculty. It covers concepts in women’s political issues, from women and education to the rights of children.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

International Relations Theory

This libre text on international relations theory text covers introductory concepts in political science. It covers concepts in political science, from constructivism to postcolonialism.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

Keys to Understanding the Middle East

This Middle-Eastern politics text has been positively-reviewed. It covers introductory concepts in Middle-Eastern politcs, from religious identity to stateless nations.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

Migration and the Ukraine Crisis: A Two Country Perspective

This migration text has been positively-reviewed and has been successfully adopted by other faculty. It focuses on the 2014 Ukraine crisis and the ongoing war for Crimea, covering introductory concepts in migration studies, from geopolitical fault-lines to labour migration.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

Nationalism, Self-determination and Secession

This text on nationalism covers salient issues in the nation-building using themes of nationalism, self-determination, and secession to tie nation-building in with world politics. It covers introductory concepts in politics, from statehood to national self-determination.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

Political Ideologies and Worldviews: An Introduction

Editor: Valérie Vézina

Reviewer: Robert Cahill

Authors: Valérie Vézina, Francis Abiew, Jennifer Anaquod, Tyler Chamberlain, Frédérick Guillaume Dufour, Serdar Kaya, Conrad King, Logan Masilamani, Gregory Millard, Ross Pink, Dave Poitras, Étienne Schmitt, Jackie F. Steele, Arjun Tremblay, Serbulent Turan, and John Wright

Description: Political Ideologies and Worldviews: An Introduction takes a “pluralist” approach and, in addition to being the first open textbook on its subject, also pushes back against the Eurocentric tendencies of standard textbooks by including chapters on Indigenous worldviews and Confucianism. Providing the latest scholarship on “classical ideologies” (liberalism, conservatism, socialism, anarchism, etc.), the textbook also includes innovative chapters on populism, feminism, and multiculturalism, as well as looking at the future of ideologies in a globalized world. Joining together scholars from Canada and beyond, the text also contains discussion questions to help students and readers to think further.

This edited open textbook will be a great asset for introductory courses at the college and university levels on political ideologies and political thought and philosophy, but could also be used in other disciplines, as each chapter assesses the state of the ideology in today’s world. The general reader looking for a better understanding of the competing ideological currents of our time – currents which flow into our daily political debates and real-life government decisions – will also greatly benefit from this book.

Popular Culture and World Politics: Theories, Methods, Pedagogies

This political science text covers salient issues in popular culture and world politics. It covers concepts in popular culture, from comics to video games.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

The R2P: Challenges and Opportunities in Light of the Libyan Intervention

This text has been positively-reviewed. It covers the Liberian intervention, from the revolution to peacemaking.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

Realism in Practice

This politics text covers issues in realism using a practical approach. It covers concepts in realism, from the refugee crisis to peaceful change.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the 21st Century: A Living Document in a Changing World

This rights text has been positively-reviewed. It covers concepts in the UDHR, from the conception of the UDHR to the implementation of human rights.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, and summaries.



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