
30 Social Work

Accountability and Repairing Relationships: Training and Facilitation Guide

Description: A workshop and facilitation guide to support B.C. post-secondary institutions to prevent and respond to sexual violence and misconduct. Accountability and Repairing Relationships is a series of four 90-minute workshops for individuals who have been informed that they have caused harm in the context of sexual violence. Designed for one-on-one or small group facilitation, learners are guided through information and reflection activities that help them recognize the harm they have caused, learn how to be accountable, and develop the skills needed to build better relationships and support a safe and healthy campus. (The slide deck that accompanies this resource can be downloaded from the Introduction).

Active Bystander Intervention: Training and Facilitation Guide

Description: A workshop and facilitation guide to support B.C. post-secondary institutions to prevent and respond to sexual violence and misconduct. Active Bystander Intervention is a 90 minute workshop for all members of the campus community: students, faculty, administrators, and staff.

This training helps learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to recognize and intervene in an incident of sexual violence as well as discuss strategies for creating a safer campus community. Uses the 4D’s (Direct, Distract, Delegate, Delay) Active Bystander Intervention Model. (The slide deck that accompanies this resource can be downloaded from the Introduction).

The Cause and Consequence of Human Trafficking: Human Rights Violations

Authors: Jacquelyn C.A. Meshelemiah and Raven E. Lynch

Description: This book, “The Cause and Consequence of Human Trafficking: Human Rights Violations”, is a call for education and action.  The authors of this book are both social workers who are passionate about justice, human rights, and anti-trafficking work.  We have written this book in an effort to educate the reader about human trafficking and human rights violations from multiple lenses.

The sections contain chapters that include an abstract, learning objectives, key words, definitions, content on a specific aspect of trafficking, images, interactive quiz items, a case study, a summary and supplemental learning materials. Each chapter is intended to educate the reader, engage the reader and equip you with the tools (information, steps, etc.) to do something. “Doing something” will look different from person to person, but this book is a call to action. We all can do something. As you read through this book, you will start to realize what you are able to do.

Consent & Sexual Violence: Training and Facilitation Guide

Description: A workshop and facilitation guide to support B.C. post-secondary institutions to prevent and respond to sexual violence and misconduct. Consent & Sexual Violence is a 90 minute workshop for all members of the campus community: students, faculty, administrators, and staff. This training explores different understandings of consent, including the legal definition. Learners have the opportunity to develop skills related to asking for and giving consent in all relationships as well as discuss strategies for creating a “culture of consent” in campus communities. (The slide deck that accompanies this resource can be downloaded from the Introduction).

Contemporary Families: An Equity Lens

Description: This openly licensed text approaches contemporary families from an equity lens. It was created by a Human Development and Family Services (HDFS) faculty member and 12 HDFS students at Linn-Benton Community College (LBCC), using an open pedagogy approach. It asks two questions relevant to the Difference, Power, and Discrimination outcomes at LBCC: “What do families need?” and “ How do society and institutions support or get in the way of families getting what they need?” This book includes remixed content. Please note that some sections may have more restrictive licenses, and some all rights reserved content is included under fair use. More specific information can be found under Licenses and Attributions at the bottom of each section.

Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case Studies

Description: “Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case Studies” is a freely accessible eCampus Ontario Pressbook containing case studies of immigrant women experiencing domestic violence to be used as educational materials. The book highlights the complexity of domestic violence cases in immigrant communities and the different legal processes that these women encounter in seeking justice and the challenges they face in relation to re-establishing their own lives and the lives of their children. The book contains questions for reflection; a description of legal processes involved in DV cases, and a glossary of the terms used throughout the case studies.

Foundations of Addiction Studies


Addiction is a concept that has been around for hundreds of years, but we still struggle to define and understand the word. When the American Psychiatric Association (APA) released a new diagnostic manual (DSM-5) in 2013, they incorporated the term addiction, which did not appear in previous versions of the influential text. However, the APA also acknowledged that the term can be stigmatizing and that its definition is uncertain. As we move into the next era of understanding about addiction, we need to continue refining our knowledge of this deadly disease.

In this book, we want to bring to life the core concepts at the heart of addiction. You may have friends or family members struggling with an addiction, or you yourself may have problems with addiction. You might be interested in working to help people in recovery, or you are simply curious to know more about this issue. Whatever the case, this book will introduce key terminology and research help you define, discuss, diagnose, and deal with this problem.

The material is organized so that each chapter focuses on a different theme related to addiction. Within each chapter are multiple sub-parts where you will find an introductory reading, a video, an article, an activity, questions for discussion, and a short quiz. Some sections also include slide presentations for you to view.

Foundations of Social Work Research

Description: This textbook was created to provide an introduction to research methods for BSW and MSW students, with particular emphasis on research and practice relevant to students at the University of Texas at Arlington. It provides an introduction to social work students to help evaluate research for evidence-based practice and design social work research projects. It can be used with its companion, A Guidebook for Social Work Literature Reviews and Research Questions by Rebecca L. Mauldin and Matthew DeCarlo, or as a stand-alone textbook.

Graduate research methods in social work

Description: This textbook is part of the Open Social Work project. Open Social Work is dedicated to spreading open education, open access, and the practices that support them in social work education and research. Other social work open textbooks as well as resources for faculty who want to engage in open education are available at www.opensocialwork.org

Guidebook for Social Work Literature Reviews and Research Questions

Description: This short guidebook provides information about selecting a research topic and research questions, searching for literature, reading and understanding scholarly writing, and writing a literature review to synthesize what is known and what remains to be learned about a social problem. For students who appreciate the availability of resources on the internet, it also provides links to additional materials. It can be used with its companion textbook, Foundations of Social Work Research by Rebecca L. Mauldin and Matthew DeCarlo, or as a stand-alone guide.

Human Behavior and the Social Environment I

Description: That’s what we are here to find out – Human Behavior and the Social Environment (HBSE) – How do they connect? How does it shape us? Why do we think and feel the way we do? This will be explored throughout this course by examining human behavior throughout life stage developments and our interactions with the social environment. This course will explore theoretical perspectives in Social Work to help provide a foundation for organizing thoughts about client needs and issues they are seeking supports for. Theories will then be connected to important developmental, social, and cultural issues that present throughout each stage of life to create an overall picture of a client’s experience and how we can use this information to have a better understanding of how people we work with are influenced and why. Knowledge of typical development in each stage of life will also inform the Social Worker if any other supports, resources, or services may be needed.

Human Behavior and the Social Environment II

Description: These materials will help students and instructors alike explore human behavior and how it is shaped and impacted by both traditional and non-traditional paradigms. This text will also support the reader in having a deeper understanding of how the environment, in all of its complexity, can affect individuals, families, groups, and communities.

It is my hope that the information contained in this book will help you, as a future social worker, approach client systems with empathy, understanding, and a compassionate curiosity that allows for comprehensive assessment, individualized approaches to treatment, and continuity of care.

Immigrant and Refugee Families, 2nd Edition

Description: As a whole, the book offers an important overview of transitions, challenges, and strengths of immigrant and refugee families as they adjust to a new country and culture. Each chapter utilizes a family systems perspective to synthesize relevant research and practice, concluding with directions for future research, policy, and/or practice. A “future directions” section offers suggestions for research as well as strategies that professionals can consider as they serve immigrant families. All chapters include a case study to help readers grapple with the realities of the immigration process for families. Discussion questions provide opportunities for critical thinking and deeper conversation about the issues that affect immigrant families.

This textbook was written with several audiences in mind. It is designed for students taking university classes in human sciences, social work, social policy, public health, and mental health, as well as for non-profit sector organizations, government agencies, and faith communities that serve immigrant and refugees. Students and community professionals alike can use this text to develop understanding of specific challenges facing immigrant and refugee families. Although the focus is primarily on the United States as the destination country, we believe that the research explored in this book can inform work with immigrant and refugee families who resettle in countries around the world. Regardless of geographic location, we hope to underscore how important it is for all of us to be engaged in research and practice with immigrant and refugee families.

This textbook is unique in its focus on families in context. Each immigrant family’s path is influenced by many situational and interrelated factors including: 1) individual health and motivation, 2) family values, traditions, cohesion, and conflict, and 3) systemic policies that influence immigrant admission and access to social benefits. The text is organized into three sections – Context, Family Dynamics Related to Stress, and Family Adaptation and Resilience.

Intercultural Learning

Description:  The ability to recognise and understand your own cultural context is a prerequisite to understanding and interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds. An intercultural learning approach encourages us to develop an understanding of culture and cultural difference, through reflecting on our own context and experience.

Introduction to Social Work at Ferris State University

Description: This book was written by MSW students as their final project for their Capstone class. Students were each assigned a chapter of the book to write to show that they had achieved competency as a Master’s level social worker. Chapters were assigned based on student interest and experience in certain areas of the field.

The 2017 MSW class was excited to be able to contribute to the learning of their peers by writing this book! The book was written to the specifications of the SCWK 110 instructors at Ferris State University in the summer of 2017.

The use of an Open Source textbook aligns well with our social work ethics and standards. By utilizing this format instead of a printed textbook, we are able to reduce the costs of attending this particular class for students. We hope that other universities will utilize our textbook! Please feel free to edit this book for your needs, but give credit to the original authors.

Lifespan development: A Psychological perspective 2nd Edition

Description: This textbook introduces the idea of lifespan development from a psychological perspective.

Parenting and Family Diversity Issues

Author: Diana Lang

Description: This book has been created for students and all individuals who work with children and families (e.g., educators, parents, caregivers, direct support workers, etc.) in diverse contexts. It is imperative to understand how and what factors may influence child outcomes across the lifespan. Therefore, key concepts related to parenting, child-rearing, care-giving, and parenting education are outlined in this textbook to provide historical, theoretical, and practical perspectives across vast settings and developmental domains.

Scientific Inquiry in Social Work

Description: As an introductory textbook for social work students studying research methods, this book guides students through the process of creating a research project. Students will learn how to discover a researchable topic that is interesting to them, examine scholarly literature, formulate a proper research question, design a quantitative or qualitative study to answer their question, carry out the design, interpret quantitative or qualitative results, and disseminate their findings to a variety of audiences. Examples are drawn from the author’s practice and research experience, as well as topical articles from the literature. The textbook is aligned with the Council on Social Work Education’s 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards. Students and faculty can download copies of this textbook using the links provided in the front matter. As an open textbook, users are free to retain copies, redistribute copies (non-commercially), revise the contents, remix it with other works, and reuse for any purpose.

Includes: instructor resources, student resources, summaries, and real-world applications.

Social Problems: Continuity and Change

Description: Social Problems: Continuity and Change is a realistic but motivating look at the many issues that are facing our society today. As this book’s subtitle, Continuity and Change, implies, social problems are persistent, but they have also improved in the past and can be improved in the present and future, provided that our nation has the wisdom and will to address them.

Supporting Survivors: Training and Facilitation Guide

Description: A workshop and facilitation guide to support B.C. post-secondary institutions to prevent and respond to sexual violence and misconduct. Supporting Survivors is a 90 minute workshop for all members of the campus community: students, faculty, administrators, and staff. This training helps learners respond supportively and effectively to disclosures of sexual violence. It includes a discussion of available supports and resources, the differences between disclosing and reporting, and opportunities to practice skills for responding to disclosures. Uses the Listen, Believe, Support model. (The slide deck that accompanies this resource can be downloaded from the Introduction).

Theories and Biological Basis of Addiction

Author: Audrey Begun

Description: Welcome to the online coursebook for our Theories and Biological Basis of Addiction course. The material is designed to be read interactively or after downloading; while the embedded interactive exercises require internet connectivity, each can also be downloaded for offline work. These exercises are presented to help you test and apply what you are reading, challenge yourself, prepare for quizzes, and have a little fun along the way. The list of key terms at the end explains text highlighted in bold italics throughout the book—in the interactive mode you can click on a highlighted word to jump to its explanation in the key terms section. Use the back arrow to return to where you were reading.

Message to Instructors: A number of the chapters in this Open Educational Resource require you to locate and make available links to specified library or online resources. These are identified throughout the coursebook. In the Appendix, you will find a course syllabus template related to the course for which this OER was originally developed.

Theories and Biological Basis of Substance Misuse, Part 1

Author: Audrey Begun

Description: Theories and Biological Basis of Substance Misuse Part 1 (2019) is an OER coursebook applying a biopsychosocial lens for educating an interdisciplinary professional workforce to identify, understand, and address problems related to substance use, substance misuse, and substance use disorders. These materials were developed using a variety of published sources and online materials (NIH, NIAAA, NIDA, SAMHSA, WHO) and the Routledge Handbook of Social Work and Addictive Behavior (2020), edited by A.L. Begun and M.M. Murray. A total of 6 modules are presented in this Part 1 coursebook; an additional 7 modules specific to different types of substances, co-occurring problems, prescription and over-the-counter substance misuse, and pharmacotherapy strategies appear in Theories and Biological Basis of Substance Misuse Part 2 (2020). Each module begins with a brief introduction of the topic and list of reading objectives and concludes with a Module Summary, a linked “Key Terms” section, and full reference citations list. Content for each module is organized into a set of chapters, some of which involve linking to outside reading resources, and various “Stop and Think” interactive activities. The coursebook can be used interactively in the online environment, or can be downloaded as pdf files but the learning activities will no longer be interactive. The coursebook contents are relevant for social work, psychology, sociology, criminal justice, medicine/nursing/allied health, education, and other professional or disciplinary education purposes. An example course syllabus for use in social work education is presented as an Appendix. Modules presented in Theories and Biological Basis of Substance Misuse Part 1 include: Module 1—Introduction; Module 2—Key Definitions, Diagnostic Criteria, Classification of Substances, & Trending Topics; Module 3—Biological Models and Substance Misuse, Pharmacokinetics & Psychopharmacology Principles; Module 4—Psychological Models of Substance Misuse; Module 5—Social Context & Physical Environment Models of Substance Misuse; Module 6—Theory Integration, Transtheoretical Model, and Vulnerability/Risk/Resilience/Protective Factors in Substance Misuse.



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