16 Student Accessibility
UR Accommodated encompasses Student Accessibility, the Brad Hornung Accommodations Test Centre and Campus For All. The goal of UR Accommodated is to support all students in achieving academic success while enjoying a full and rewarding university experience.
“The University of Regina wishes to support all students in achieving academic success while enjoying a full and rewarding university experience.
Student Accessibility upholds the University’s commitment to a diverse and inclusive learning environment by providing services and supports for students based on disability, religion, family status, and gender identity. Students who require these services are encouraged to contact Student Accessibility to discuss the possibility of academic accommodations and other supports as early as possible. For further information, please email accessibility@uregina.ca or call (306) 585-4491.”
Key Takeaways
- Faculty & Staff FAQs website
- U of R Faculty and Staff – Duty to accommodate information