17 Proctortrack
What is remote proctoring?
Proctortrack is an online tool that: (1) verifies the identity of students writing a remotelydelivered exam; and (2) monitors and records remotely-delivered exams administered through UR Courses. Proctortrack’s recordings include a video record of the student writing the exam along with regular screenshots of what is on the student’s computer (collectively, the “Recordings”). These Recordings facilitate instructors’ detection of potential academic misconduct. Thus, they are well served as deterrents to academic misconduct. However, since Proctortrack Recordings contain personal information of students we must take utmost care to keep them private.
Request access to use Proctortrack: The University does not require course instructors to use the remote proctoring solution for their exam, however if you decide to do so, please contact the IT Support Centre and request that the Proctortrack platform be enabled for your course exam(s).