
Book Title: RIGHT ON TIME – Healing from Cancer During a Pandemic

Author: Barbara Reul

Cover image for RIGHT ON TIME - Healing from Cancer During a Pandemic

Book Description: This book chronicles the eventful and highly transformative time of healing and reflection following cancer treatments that the author – a middle-aged, immigrant, and non-partnered university professor from Regina, Saskatchewan – spent on the West Coast of Canada to be near family during the pandemic.

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Book Information

Book Description

This book is a sequel to the award-nominated memoir-textbook Perfect Timing – Recollections on coping with cancer during a pandemic from 2021 but can be read on its own.

It chronicles the eventful and highly transformative time of healing and reflection following cancer treatments that the author – a middle-aged, immigrant, and non-partnered university professor from the Canadian prairies – spent in Saskatchewan and on the West Coast of Canada during the pandemic.

It will be of interest to anyone who: 1.) likes to laugh while learning about the experiences of a cancer patient after she finished active treatments; 2.) is or strives to be a health professional (oncologist, GP, nurse, social worker, pharmacist, physio- or exercise therapist, etc.); 3.) is an administrator, instructor, teaching assistant, or student at a post-secondary institution interested in health sciences, English literature (memoir writing, creative non-fiction, and narratives of illness), Women’s and Gender Studies, Spirituality Studies, Religious Studies, and the Fine Arts; 4.) is a fellow author and/or a reader who likes to give writers from the Canadian prairies a chance.


Barbara Reul



Coping with / advice about illness and specific health conditions


RIGHT ON TIME – Healing from Cancer During a Pandemic
Barbara Reul

PLEASE NOTE: This book is covered by a CC BY-NC-ND license (see the hyperlink for more information). The author will try her best to update and/or remove any broken hyperlinks provided in this document. She has, however, no control of their content.

Primary Subject
Coping with / advice about illness and specific health conditions
Additional Subject(s)
History of music, Autobiography: general, Autobiography: philosophy and social sciences, Autobiography: science, technology and medicine, Memoirs, Narrative theme: Health and illness, Narrative theme: Death, grief, loss, Narrative theme: Interior life, Narrative theme: Identity / belonging, Narrative theme: Sense of place, Narrative theme: Journeys and voyages, Migration, immigration and emigration, Age groups: adults, Psychology: the self, ego, identity, personality, Higher education, tertiary education, Health psychology, Mind, body, spirit
University of Regina
University of Regina
Publisher City
Regina, SK
Publication Date
December 19, 2023
Ebook ISBN