

This resource was created by the Flexible Learning (FL), Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) Instructional Design (ID) Team. It is intended to assist University of Regina course developers/subject matter experts (SME)* who received a Distance and Distributed Learning Committee (DDLC) grant with information and resources on developing a flexible delivery course (fully online or blended).

*Note: subject matter experts are referred to as course developers and/or academic staff members in the URFA Academic 2017-2021 collective agreement. All terms mean the same thing and may be used interchangeably in this site and in DDLC related materials.

For more information about the detailed process and criteria for receiving a DDLC grant and to apply, please visit About Developing a Flexible Learning Course.

Once the designated course developer/subject matter expert and the Faculty Distance and Distributed Learning Coordinator have returned a signed letter of agreement (LOA) to the Flexible Learning admin staff, the course development work with the Flexible Learning ID Team can begin. Together as the Course Development Team, the SME and the ID Team will work to complete the development of the flexible delivery course in the agreed upon timeframe.


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Flexible Learning Course Development Process Copyright © by Greg Bawden and Kieren De La Rue is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.