
Once you have selected an appropriate assessment format, good planning and design of the digital assignment is essential to ensure meaningful and fair evaluation of learner success. The following sections will guide you through this development process.

Designing with Pedagogy

Good digital assessment design places pedagogy before technology.

Click on the “+” icons in the image below to reveal strategies for designing with pedagogy in mind.

You may find it helpful when planning the assignment to consider the steps your learners will take from start to finish as they work through the project.


Most digital media projects follow the same basic steps:

  • research the topic
  • gather relevant content (verify copyright permissions)
  • develop a script / storyboard / mock-up / sketch / outline
  • learn how to use the digital media tool
  • create the final product
  • publish / share


Read through the scenario. Use the arrows to navigate between slides.


Selecting Digital Media Tools

It is important to consider the digital tools your learners will use for their alternative assessments. If they are completing a digital media assignment for the first time, specify the tool(s) that you would like them to use. Allow more experienced learners to select from a list of recommended options. It can be challenging to choose an appropriate digital tool from the many that are currently available. Follow these tips to find the right tech tool for your online assignment.

Select a topic below, marked with an arrowhead, to reveal more information.


Know your learners’ skill level

Use only the technology you need to achieve the learning outcomes

Use tools that are free, accessible, and respect learners’ privacy

Select tools with good supporting online resources

Allow learners to substitute tools when necessary


Here are some easy-to-use, free tools and options for creating various kinds of digital media:
Download this list of tools [PDF].


Animated Videos:




Screen Recording:


Read through the scenario.


Supporting Digital Media Assignments

As you plan your digital media assignment, consider what support and training your learners will need.

In the interactive element below, use the menu bar (☰) on the left or the arrows on the right to view the content on all 4 pages.


Read through the scenario. Use the arrows to navigate between slides.


Idea Icon

Use the Digital Media Assignment Planning Worksheet to help with your digital media assignment design.


Evaluating Digital Media Assignments

Digital assignment evaluation presents unique challenges and opportunities for instructors. How do we apply fair grading practices to alternative assessments such as videos, websites, podcasts, and infographics? How do we take advantage of these digital formats to provide rich feedback to our learners? The following strategies address these questions.

Select a topic below, marked with an arrowhead, to reveal more information.


Weight the assignment in relation to its complexity

Use rubrics or checklists (sample rubrics provided)

Invite learners to co-develop assessment criteria

Leverage peer feedback and peer assessment


Read through the scenario. Use the arrows to navigate between slides.

Idea Icon

Review – Reflect – Revise. Remember to review, reflect on, and revise your digital media assignment after your learners have submitted their work. Refer to “Coming Full Circle” in Module 2 for more information on how to evaluate the effectiveness of your assessments.




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Rethinking Assessment Strategies for Online Learning Copyright © 2022 by Seneca College; Durham College; Algonquin College; and University of Ottawa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.