Book Title: Canada and Speeches from the Throne
Subtitle: Narrating a Nation, 1935-2015

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Book Description: This book by senior undergraduate and graduate student in the Department of History at the University of Regina describes how Canadian Prime Ministers articulated their vision of Canada from 1935 to 2015 through their Speeches from the Throne and in their Leaders' Day speeches. It demonstrates that each of Canada's Prime Ministers had a vision for the country and articulated that vision in their speeches and through their words.
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Book Description
The Speech from the Throne is one of the most important moments in the Canadian Parliamentary calendar. It signals the beginning of a new Parliament, and it lays out the government’s agenda for the upcoming session as well as the Prime Minister’s vision for the country. In this book, senior undergraduate students and graduate student enrolled in their History course on Canadian Political History at the University of Regina in the fall of 2020 researched how Prime Ministers have articulated a national identity through their speeches marking the opening of Parliament. It offers their perspectives on the engaging question of Canadian identity.
Canada and Speeches from the Throne Copyright © 2020 by Alexander Washkowsky; Braden Sapara; Brady Dean; Sarah Hoag; Rebecca Morris-Hurl; Dayle Steffen; Joshua Switzer; and Deklen Wolbaum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Biography: historical, political and military