

Thanks to funding from the Government of Saskatchewan, the University of Regina Open Education and Publishing Program (OEP Program) is able to develop new and adapt existing open textbooks and educational resources, and offer them online for free. Our OEP Program provides students and instructors with easily accessible resources, and aims to democratize the learning experience by saving students the cost of textbooks, improving student grades and reten­tion, and giving instructors the ability to customize their course materials.

To access these books, visit the University of Regina’s Open Education and Publishing Program’s Pressbooks Catalogue, or visit our website to see what is in development. These texts are available to download or to read online in a variety of formats, including pdf, ePub, and html—free of charge.

The Open Education Publishing Program would not be possible without the support and insight of many different stakeholders at the University of Regina.

  • Dr. david Gregory (Interim Provost and Vice-President, Academic)
  • Dr. Nilgün Önder (Associate Vice-President, Academic and Research)
  • Shuana Niessen (Open Education Program Manager)

Advisory Committee Members

  • Dr. Alec Couros (Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning)
  • Amber Fletcher, Faculty of Sociology & Social Studies, Professor
  • Muhammad Asadullah, Faculty of Arts, Justice Studies, Professor
  • Cara Bradley, Dr. John Archer Library, Research & Scholarship Librarian