
Module 1 – Project Management – Briefing

Key Takeaways

  • Project management is the application of both logic and discipline.
  • Project management is no longer a specific skill.
  • Project management is a ‘constant’ trade-off.
  • Projects are scheduled solutions to a problem.
  • Always remember that a project is all about deliverables – the outcome and not just the process.
  • The more information that is missing when the project is set up and gets underway, the greater the likelihood of progress problems and delays.
  • According to PMI, “effective project management helps individuals, groups, and public and private organisations to:
    • Meet business objectives;
    • Satisfy stakeholder expectations;
    • Be more predictable;
    • Increase chances of success;
    • Deliver the right products at the right time;
    • Resolve problems and issues;
    • Respond to risks promptly;
    • Optimize the use of organisational resources;
    • Identify, recover, or terminate failing projects;
    • Manage constraints (e.g., scope, quality, schedule, costs, resources);
    • Balance the influence of constraints on the project (e.g., the increased scope may increase cost or schedule); and
    • Manage change in a better manner.”



Review your Knowledge

List some of the reasons why project management has become such a popular business tool in recent business disruptions.

List some of the advantages and disadvantages you see in using project management.



Additional activity:

Identify two or three projects currently underway in your local area and complete the table below. These can be from any area of activity, personal projects, developments in your job, the university, or organisations in which you are involved.


Identify 3 successful and 3 unsuccessful projects.


Successful Projects

Brief description





Why do you consider these to be successful?





What factors do you believe led to these projects being a success?





Unsuccessful Projects

Brief description





Why do you consider these to be unsuccessful?





What factors do you believe led to these projects being unsuccessful?






While reflecting on identifying the 3 successful and 3 unsuccessful projects, pay close attention to this video.
(Click the image below to access the video)

VideoWhy projects fails?????

What do you think it has gone wrong ? Can you make a list of some the issues ?


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Project Management: A Strategic Approach Copyright © 2022 by Carmen Reaiche is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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