

Logos of Seneca College, Humber College, Kenjgewin Teg, Trent University and Nipissing University.This collaborative project between Seneca College, Humber College, Kenjgewin Teg, Trent University and Nipissing University provides learners with the knowledge and skills to design, develop and deliver high-quality, interactive, and engaging online learning experiences. This resource aims to support individual faculty members, as well as teaching and learning centres at colleges and universities with resources and guidance to meet the following outcomes:


Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Build a well-structured and organized online learning environment that is easy to navigate and sets students up for success.
  2. Design and implement an online assessment strategy that aligns to identified course learning outcomes and allows students to demonstrate and apply their learning.
  3. Create an online course and all associated materials to comply with accessibility and legal requirements (AODA, Canada Copyright, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy).
  4. Plan and implement activities that increase student engagement.
  5. Apply principles of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion to support a meaningful and student-centred learning experience.
  6. Incorporate the principles of UDL to ensure that all students can participate and engage fully with content, each other, and faculty
  7. Use a community of inquiry framework to build and support a learning community within a virtual classroom.

About this resource

The project began with a comprehensive environmental scan to Identify what resources currently exist across the college and university sectors that can be leveraged to enhance the proposed instructional content of this course. The focus of this project is on building equitable, student-centred, virtual environments that encourage and support students in working confidently, through engaged participation and collaboration, in a variety of active learning opportunities.


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Licensing and re-use

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Questions and comments

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