Book Title: Living Heritage in Saskatchewan: Twelve Recent Projects
Book Description: Whether it is called living, cultural, or intangible, the practices that make up our heritage are at the centre of community and social life. This publication presents twelves projects of living heritage safeguarding and promotion that have recently taken place in Saskatchewan. Each presentation is based on an interview with those who led the project and stands as an example of the kind of work cultural, heritage, and folklore workers and researchers have in mind when they speak of cultural, living, or intangible heritage. As a whole, this online resource also serves to highlight the vitality of heritage work and research in Saskatchewan, as well as the diversity of communities and organizations doing heritage work in the province.
Book Information
Book Description
Whether it is called living, cultural, or intangible, the practices that make up our heritage are at the centre of community and social life. This publication presents twelves projects of living heritage safeguarding and promotion that have recently taken place in Saskatchewan. Each presentation is based on an interview with those who led the project and stands as an example of the kind of work cultural, heritage, and folklore workers and researchers have in mind when they speak of cultural, living, or intangible heritage. As a whole, this online resource also serves to highlight the vitality of heritage work and research in Saskatchewan, as well as the diversity of communities and organizations doing heritage work in the province.
Living Heritage in Saskatchewan: Twelve Recent Projects Copyright © 2023 by Sarah Hoag is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Cultural studies: customs and traditions