7 Cash Account
Controls and Bank Reconcilliation
Dr. Jacqueline Gagnon
Let’s try another bank reconciliation, this time in a different format.
- My turn:
- You’re the accountant at A-Boss Group. A-Boss asks you to balance the Bank account at 30 November 20X9. He gives you the November bank statement, the General Ledger (from A-Boss Group’s accounting records), and last month’s bank reconciliation.
A-Boss Group
Regina Savings and Loan
Bank account #65-154864-331Date Description Increase Decrease Account Balance Opening balance 24,560 1 Nov Deposit 6,950 31,510 5 Nov E-transfer (K Nees Ltd) 1,250 30,260 8 Nov Cheque #50 10,600 19,660 12 Nov Deposit 18,200 37,860 Cheque #55 2,300 35,560 20 Nov E-transfer (K Nuckle Co) 500 36,060 25 Nov Deposit 32,400 68,460 Cheque #60 10,000 58,460 28 Nov NSF Cheque (El Bow Inc) 6,800 51,660 NSF Fee 30 51,630 E-transfer (W Rist Ltd) 1,700 53,330 29 Nov Transfer to VISA 15,000 38,330 30 Nov Monthly Bank fees 45 38,285 -
A-Boss Group
General Ledger
(Cash: Regina Savings and Loan Bank)
For the Month Ended 30 November 20X9Date Description Split Amount Balance Beginning Balance 11,410 5 Nov E-transfer A/P (1,250) 10,160 11 Nov Deposit A/R 18,200 28,360 15 Nov #60 Cheque Salaries (10,000) 18,360 #61 Cheque A/P (21,000) (2,640) 23 Nov #62 Cheque Office Exp (1,350) (3,990) 24 Nov Deposit A/R 32,400 28,410 28 Nov #63 Cheque A/P (5,200) 23,210 #64 Cheque A/P (2,300) 20,910 29 Nov Transfer to VISA VISA — owner (5,000) 15,910 30 Nov Deposit A/R 17,900 33,810 -
A-Boss Group
Bank Reconciliation
(Cash: Regina Savings and Loan Bank)
31 October 20X9Balance per Bank 24,560 (-) Deposit in Transit 6,950 (-) Outstanding Cheques: #50 (10,600) #55 (2,300) #56 (7,200) (20,100) Adjusted Balance per Bank 11,410 Balance per Books 10,050 (+) E-transfer (H Ands Ltd) 1,650 (-) Bank Fees (40) (-) Correction of Error (250) Adjusted Balance per Books 11,410 - Required:
- Now that we have all the documents, let’s reconcile the bank account one step at a time. A template is provided for your final bank reconciliation.
- See if outstanding items from last month’s bank reconciliation cleared the bank this month. Cross off all matching items on both the bank rec and the November bank statement: the deposit in transit of $6,950 cleared on 1 Nov; cheque #50 cleared on 8 Nov; and cheque #55 cleared on 12 Nov. Go ahead and do this now. Good work! Let’s move on to step 2.
- Working from the top of the bank statement, find each item on the General Ledger. If they match, write a line through the item on both the Bank Statement and General Ledger. If a matching item does not exist, skip it and move on. Do this now. Good work!
- Write the heading for your November Bank Reconciliation and the beginning balances. Excellent!
- Identify items on the General Ledger and the October Bank Reconciliation (Balance per bank side) that are not crossed off. These will be your outstanding items on the balance per bank side. Write them in. Note that errors in amount, like the VISA transfer, will be corrected on our books, so just skip over this item. We’ll deal with errors in the next step. Alright – let’s keep going!
- Identify items on the Bank Statement that are not crossed off. These will be your outstanding items on the balance per books side. Write them in. Note that the VISA error needs to be adjusted by the difference between book and bank items, in this case you’ll subtract 10,000. Errors require special care.
Here’s a template for the Bank Reconciliation that you can fill in. When you are finished working steps (1) to (5) on your own, check your work.
Date | Description | Increase | Decrease | Account Balance |
Opening balance | 24,560 | |||
1 Nov | Deposit | 6,950 | 31,510 | |
5 Nov | E-transfer (K Nees Ltd) | 1,250 | 30,260 | |
8 Nov | Cheque #50 | 10,600 | 19,660 | |
12 Nov | Deposit | 18,200 | 37,860 | |
Cheque #55 | 2,300 | 35,560 | ||
20 Nov | E-transfer (K Nuckle Co) | 500 | 36,060 | |
25 Nov | Deposit | 32,400 | 68,460 | |
Cheque #60 | 10,000 | 58,460 | ||
28 Nov | NSF Cheque (El Bow Inc) | 6,800 | 51,660 | |
NSF Fee | 30 | 51,630 | ||
E-transfer (W Rist Ltd) | 1,700 | 53,330 | ||
29 Nov | Transfer to VISA | 15,000 | 38,330 | |
30 Nov | Monthly Bank fees | 45 | 38,285 |
Date | Description | Split | Amount | Balance | |
Beginning Balance | 11,410 | ||||
5 Nov | E-transfer | A/P | (1,250) | 10,160 | |
11 Nov | Deposit | A/R | 18,200 | 28,360 | |
15 Nov | #60 | Cheque | Salaries | (10,000) | 18,360 |
#61 | Cheque | A/P | (21,000) | (2,640) | |
23 Nov | #62 | Cheque | Office Exp | (1,350) | (3,990) |
24 Nov | Deposit | A/R | 32,400 | 28,410 | |
28 Nov | #63 | Cheque | A/P | (5,200) | 23,210 |
#64 | Cheque | A/P | (2,300) | 20,910 | |
29 Nov | Transfer to VISA | VISA — owner | (5,000) | 15,910 | |
30 Nov | Deposit | A/R | 17,900 | 33,810 |
A-Boss Group
Bank Reconciliation
(Cash: Regina Savings and Loan Bank)
31 October 20X9
Balance per Bank | 24,560 | |
(+) Deposit in Transit | 6,950 | |
(-) Outstanding Cheques: | ||
#50 | (10,600) | |
#55 | (2,300) | |
#56 | (7,200) | (20,100) |
Adjusted Balance per Bank | 11,410 |
Balance per Books | 10,050 | |
(+) E-transfer (H Ands) | 1,650 | |
(-)Bank Fees | (40) | |
(-) Correction of Error | (250) | |
Adjusted Balance per Books | 11,410 |
A-Boss Group
Bank Reconciliation
(Cash: Regina Savings and Loan Bank)
30 Novemeber 20X9
Balance per Bank | 38,285 | |
(+) Deposit in Transit | 17,900 | |
(-) Outstanding Cheques: | ||
#56 | (7,200) | |
#61 | (21,000) | |
#62 | (1,350) | |
#63 | (5,200) | |
#64 | (2,300) | (37,050) |
Adjusted Balance per Bank | 19,135 |
Balance per Books | 33,810 | |
(+) EFTs: | ||
K Nuckle | 500 | |
W Rist | 1,700 | 2,200 |
(-) NSF Cheque (El Bow) | (6,800) | |
(-) Bank Fees: | ||
(-) NSF Fee | (30) | |
(-) Service Fee | (45) | (75) |
(-) Correction of Error | (10,000) | |
Adjusted Balance per Books | 19,135 |
At this point, let’s create journal entries for the balance per books side. Take a look…
20 November 20X9:
DR | Cash: Regina Savings and Loan Bank | 500 | ||
CR | A/R: K Nuckle | 500 |
28 November 20X9:
DR | Cash: Regina Savings and Loan Bank | 1,700 | ||
CR | A/R: W Rist | 1,700 |
DR | A/R: El Bow Inc | 6,800 | ||
CR | Cash: Regina Savings and Loan Bank | 6,800 | ||
DR | El Bow Inc | 30 | ||
CR | Cash: Regina Savings and Loan Bank | 30 |
30 November 20X9:
DR | Bank Service Charge Expense | 45 | ||
CR | Cash: Regina Savings and Loan Bank | 45 |
Ok; now it’s your turn. Complete the Bank Reconciliation. Give it your best try!!
Does it balance? Well done!! Now create some journal entries for items on the balance per books side.