14 Informal and Formal Reassessment of Grades
Students have the right to request the reassessment of any grade, including a grade in a practicum course.
While the course is in progress
A student who disagrees substantively with the grading of a piece of term work may ask the instructor to regrade it. If the grade is lowered or remains the same, the student may appeal to the head of the department offering the course (or, in non-departmentalized faculties, to the dean or designate).
When the course is finished
Informal Reassessment
A disagreement over a final grade should first be discussed with the instructor. The instructor will review the grading records and, if an error is found, the grade will be changed accordingly. A student who is unable to contact the instructor should contact the department head.
Formal Reassessment
If a student is not satisfied with the outcome of the informal discussion with the course instructor they may submit a formal grade appeal to the Registrar’s Office.
All of following documentation must be submitted before the appeal will be processed:
- a completed Appeal of Final Grade form;
- a letter specifying the grounds for the appeal and the date of the informal discussion with the instructor;
- the original (graded) copy of the term work; and
- the required fee.
An appeal of a final grade has three potential outcomes:
- the grade remains the same;
- the grade is raised; or
- the grade is lowered.
Deadline for Requesting a Reassessment
The appeal of a final grade must be initiated by the student within 20 business days of the final grade being posted to the student’s UR Self-Service account. For more information refer to the Student Code of Conduct and Right to Appeal – Appeal of Grade section in the Academic Calendar.