
Option 4: Transforming In-Person Presentations into Virtual Presentations

This section will take you through changing your in-person presentations to virtual presentations. The following information will help you re-design your presentation activities but will not help you build a new assessment tool.

If you feel that you need to change the activities your students complete, you will want to go to Option 3.

This section should take 3 – 4 hours to complete.

Please read the key elements of transitioning to virtual projects below. You will be notified with a STOP: message once you reach the activity portion of the section. 



Activity: Design a Virtual Presentation 

Work through the following five steps as your structure your virtual presentations:

  1. Determine the format you want students to present virtually
  2. Alter the introduction to the assignment
  3. Ensure your assessment aligns with virtual presentations
  4. Build supporting documents and guidelines for students
  5. Receive feedback

Remember to have your assessment tool and any supporting materials you have created for your student presentations on hand.

Step 1 Determine the format for virtual presentations in your class 

First, determine how your students will virtually present. There are four methods of delivery you can use:





Step 2 Alter the introduction to the assignment

You will most likely need to change the introduction to your assignment for your students (guidelines) to reflect the online learning environment. Include the following elements:

  • An introductory, context-setting component;
  • Instructions for the main components and tasks of the assignment;
  • Reminders, notes, and guiding questions; and
  • Options and choices (if applicable).

See CUNY’s (2016) Anatomy of an Assignment Sample to see how you will build the introduction section of your assignment.



Step 3 Ensure your assessment aligns with virtual presenting

  1.  Review your scoring criteria (e.g., rubric, checklist) to make sure it aligns with the appropriate competencies. It is most likely the case that your content has not changed. However, you may need to change the scoring criteria for the delivery of the presentation.
  • If you want students to submit a podcast, will you be grading their use of the technology?
  • If you plan to have students create visual supports and screen-share, will you be grading the quality of their presentation materials?
  • If you typically assess their voice volume and speaker presence, you will need to rethink your scoring criteria.
  • If you want students in the audience to engage in the presentations, how can you build your assessment to have your presenters include an interactive activity or engagement with classmates? Will you assess the audience’s involvement too?
  • If you need to build a new tool or are doing an alternative project, go to Option 3 to build a sound assessment tool.



Step 4 Build supporting documents and guidelines for students 

  1. Read this article1 by Kathleen Dudden Rowlands (2007) on how to build checklists with samples.
  2. Create a guide for your students to know how to complete the project.
  • Outline more specific guidelines for how to complete the project well with some do’s and don’ts for your class.
  • You may want to provide extra links, documents, worksheets, help pages (especially for technologies), etc.



Step 5 Receive Feedback 

It is always helpful to have a second pair of eyes on new teaching tools. Here are two ways you can receive feedback:

  1. Consider having a colleague read through your forum.
  2. Ask the Teaching Centre to review your assessment.

After receiving feedback, you will want to make the necessary changes.



See our FAQ Section for more discussion post tips.

Need more help? Email us (teachingsupport@uleth.ca).


Next step: You can go back to the beginning of the module and select a new activity, or continue reading more in the tool box sections by clicking here.


1This article is reachable through JSTOR. You should have access using your @uleth.ca domain through our library. However, if you do not, you can create a free account to gain access for personal use.

Extended Resources

Kent State University. (n.d.). Assignment: PowerPoint presentation. [PDF]. https://onlineteaching.kent.edu/library/online_assignments/PPT_Presentation_Handout.pdf.

Riddle, R. (2016, February 5). Getting started with student podcast assignments. [Web Log]. Duke University. https://www.npr.org/2018/11/15/662116901/teaching-podcasting-a-curriculum-guide-for-educators


Evans, C.T. (2020, January 30). Online, narrated presentation assignment. https://www.ctevans.net/Nvcc/HIS218/Assignments/Presentation.html.

Gordon, D. (n.d.). Don’t panic: The hitch-hiker’s guide to alternative assessment. http://www.damiantgordon.com/Guide.pdf.

Hogle, P. (2017, March 14). Three key differences between in-person and virtual teaching. LearningSolutions. Retrieved April 15, 2020 from https://learningsolutionsmag.com/articles/2252/three-key-differences-between-in-person-and-virtual-teaching.

NPR. (2018, November 15). Teaching podcasting: A curriculum guide for educators. https://www.npr.org/2018/11/15/662116901/teaching-podcasting-a-curriculum-guide-for-educators.

Rowlands, K. (2007). Check It Out! Using Checklists to Support Student Learning. The English Journal, 96(6), 61-66. Retrieved April 17, 2020, from www.jstor.org/stable/30046754



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Fit for Online Learning Copyright © 2020 by U of L Teaching Centre: Jördis Weilandt, Erin Reid, Kristi Thomas, Brandy Old, and Jeff Meadows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.