
Enhancing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) In Open Educational Resources (OER) was peer-reviewed by librarians, academics, students and diversity and inclusion experts, all of whom have contributed their diverse perspectives and experiences to this guide.

The review was structured around considerations of the intended audience of the book, and examined the comprehensiveness, accuracy, and relevance of content, as well as longevity and cultural relevance. See the review guide for more details. Changes suggested by the reviewers were incorporated by the lead editor.

I would like to thank the reviewers for the time, care, and commitment they contributed to the project. I recognise that peer reviewing is a generous act of service on their part. This guide would not be the robust, valuable resource that it is were it not for their feedback and input.

Peer Reviewers

Alice Luetchford

Alice Luetchford is the Open Education Librarian at James Cook University. This role includes the development of open education resources such as ebooks using the publishing platform, Pressbooks. Alice has worked in a variety of roles in academic libraries including Law Librarian and Liaison Librarian for Business, Criminology, Politics and Creative Media. Alice is currently on a number of university and national working projects and committees relating to open education resources and open scholarship.

Alissa McCulloch

Alissa McCulloch is an Autistic librarian, a metadata justice advocate, and the Metadata and Database Quality Coordinator at Deakin University Library. Based on Wadawurrung country (Geelong, Victoria), Alissa works to embed critical and ethical principles into library resource description practices, reconceptualising metadata as a tool for liberation and social justice. Alissa is a committee member for newCardigan and the ALIA Community on Resource Description, and can be found on Twitter @lissertations.

Ash Barber

Ash Barber is a Support Librarian at the University of South Australia and an Australian cisgender white woman who identifies as part of the LGBTIQA+ community. She supports the teaching and research objectives of the University, with ardent involvement in open educational practices. Ash is passionate about lifelong learning and working with staff and students to achieve innovative educational experiences by integrating emerging digital technologies into teaching and learning. Her experience working in copyright, acquisitions and licensing, online curriculum support, and library services, enables a holistic approach to open educational practices.

Ash is the 2022 Libraries of the Australian Technology Network (LATN) Fellow through which she explores practical inclusive solutions in OER. She is also an active member of the CAUL Open Educational Resources Collective Community of Practice and the Australasian Open Educational Practice Special Interest Group (OEP-SIG) for which she curates the monthly Digest. You can find Ash most often on LinkedIn and also on Twitter @AshTheLibrarian.

Betty Appleby

Betty Appleby is a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community and is passionate about law and justice. She is a Law student at UniSQ, and is keen to become an advocate for women and marginalised groups. In her free time, she loves to draw, paint, and express herself through art.

Cally Jetta

Cally Jetta teaches online for UniSQ from her home in the South West of Western Australia -Noongar Country, where she lives with her husband and their four beautiful sons. She is passionate about Indigenous education and its potential to both empower Indigenous Australians and promote greater cross cultural understanding. Prior to working at UniSQ, she worked in high schools as a teacher and an Aboriginal Education specialist.

Clare O’Hanlon

Clare O’Hanlon is a Senior Learning Librarian at La Trobe University by day and volunteer community archivist with the Australian Queer Archives by night. They are passionate about facilitating collaboration between independent community-based archives and mainstream galleries, libraries, archives, and museum (GLAM) institutions, encouraging critical, creative and collective reflection across the GLAM and higher education sectors, and making critical and diverse knowledges, theories and histories accessible with students and communities. Their practice is guided by social justice principles, compassion, courage, and creativity.

Flic French

Flic French is a qualified librarian and unqualified lesbian from the UK working at The University of Queensland (UQ), with particular interests in student engagement, special collections librarianship, and LGBTQIA+ inclusion. Flic is Co-Chair of the UQ Ally Action Committee, which administers the award winning UQ Ally Network, supporting and celebrating the diversity of sex, sexuality and gender at UQ. As part of this role, she facilitates LGBTQIA+ inclusion training and is a Pride in Diversity Endorsed Trainer, as well as holding a Mental Health First Aid qualification.

As a queer woman living with OCD, Flic is passionate about making workplaces and resources as inclusive as possible, and dispelling myths around marginalised and maligned identities. You can follow Flic on Twitter @FlicFrench.

Marissa Andersen

Marissa Andersen is a Human Resources professional with a passion for people and culture. She is a psychology student at UniSQ with a particularly interest in organisational psychology.

Dr Shalene Werth

Dr Shalene Werth is a Senior Lecturer at UniSQ. Her research and teaching are focused around diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Dr Werth’s interests lie specifically in the practice based ideas, strategies and policy development necessary for a genuinely inclusive workplace. Her research has covered gender, disability and chronic illness in the workplace and also disability in the context of students in the tertiary education environment. She is the Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee in the Faculty of Business, Education Law and Arts.