
Dr. Ottmann Endorsement

The Cree Dictionary of Mathematical Terms with Visual Examples provides the reader with 176 mathematical terms, their definition, Indigenous artistic renditions, and the Cree equivalent terms. This dictionary recognizes that Cree, and Indigenous people in general, have been engaged with mathematics since time immemorial – for a long as can be remembered – and there are parallel words to describe mathematical concepts. For example,

Line: An infinite set of points in opposite directions forming a straight path; it has only one dimension, length. tipâpâniyâpiy

The written and oral Cree validates and affirms Indigenous’ knowledges and practices in mathematics.  Arzu Sardarli and Ida Swan brought together Elders, Traditional Knowledge Keepers, and Cree-speaking educators and have successfully collaborated on a multi-faceted and much needed resource that will elevate mathematical learning for students. This resource provides a template for mathematical learning for other Indigenous languages. The Cree Dictionary of Mathematical Terms with Visual Examples is a demonstration of an innovative Indigenous teaching and learning document. Gitchi-miigwetch to the team that made this a reality.


Mizowaykomiguk paypomwayotung

Dr. Jacqueline Ottmann

Saulteaux/Anishinaabekwe she/her

President, First Nations University of Canada