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weyascikewnahtik |
Definition: A mathematical table is a systematic or orderly list of values or numbers. It is presented in rows and columns [1].
Table 18.1 The top five Indigenous languages spoken by Indigenous people in Canada in 2021.
Indigenous language | Number of Indigenous people able to speak this language in Canada in 2021 |
Cree languages | 86,475 |
Inuktitut | 40,320 |
Ojibway languages | 25,440 |
Oji-Cree | 15,210 |
Innu (Montagnais) and Naskapi langages | 11,605 |
Note. The data in Table 18.1 was adapted from “Indigenous languages in Canada, 2021” by Statistics Canada, 2023 (https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2023029-eng.htm).
ka asatahk akihcikewin |
Definition: Tally marks are used to record the number of items in a set; or used to keep track of data being counted. They usually consist of strokes grouped in fives [1].
mitâtaht |
Definition: It is a counting number that is one more than nine. It is written as 10.
mitātahtaw |
Definition: when a number has a decimal point, the second number to the left of the decimal point shows the number of tens.
mwecimitâtaht |
Definition: It is the ordinal form of the number ten. It is also written as 10th.
mwecinistwâw |
Definition: It is the ordinal form of the number three. It is also written as 3rd.
nistosâp |
Definition: It is a counting number that is one more than twelve. It is written as 13.
nistomitanaw |
Definition: It is a counting number equivalent to three sets of tens. It is written as 30.
kihchi mitatahtomitanaw |
Definition: It is a counting number equivalent to ten sets of hundreds. It is written as 1000.
nisto |
Definition: It is a counting number that is one more than two. It is written as 3.
ē-nistowēyapiskāk |
Definition: It is a polygon with three sides and three angles [1].
nîsosâp |
Definition: It is a counting number that is one more than eleven. It is written as 12.
nîstanaw |
Definition: It is a counting number equivalent to two sets of tens. It is written as 20.
nîso |
Definition: It is a counting number that is one more than one. It is written as 2.