A couple of years ago, BCcampus implemented the Ongoing Adoption Program, which guides B.C.’s post-secondary institutions in identifying and tracking adoptions on campus and then shares that information with BCcampus so it can be added to the Known Open Textbook Adoptions in B.C. record.

The following templates are offered as a starting point to record open textbook and OER adoptions. These spreadsheets can be customized for an institution’s individual adoption tracking needs. Note: Institutions should make a copy of the below templates and not enter information directly to these spreadsheets.

Adoption tracking personnel should consult with their institution’s access and privacy office about how the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) might impact which platforms and systems should be used to share information.

For more information about the BC Ongoing Adoption Program and how to sign up, email laesoph [at] bccampus [dot] ca.


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Adoption Guide - 2nd Edition Copyright © 2016-2019 by BCcampus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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