
H5P activities list

This book includes 122 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1Ch1#IntroQ1Multiple Choice
2Performing an Alcohol-Based Hand RubInteractive Video
3Hand Washing Interactive VideoInteractive Video
4Equipment HotspotImage Hotspots
5Ch1GPQSetQuestion Set
6Ch 2 Why is Temp Measured? Drag and DropDrag Text
7Non-Contact Infrared TemperatureInteractive Video
8Ch 2 Things that influence temperatureDrag Text
9Oral TemperatureInteractive Video
10Ch 2 Oral TemperatureQuestion Set
11Tympanic TemperatureInteractive Video
12Ch 2 Tympanic TemperatureDrag Text
13Axillary TemperatureInteractive Video
14Ch 2 Rectal Temperature QSQuestion Set
15Ch 2 Find the Error TemperatureImage Juxtaposition
16Tympanic Temp Fill in the BlanksFill in the Blanks
17Find the Error TemperatureAccordion
18Test Yourself TempMultiple Choice
19Test Yourself Temp 2Multiple Choice
20Test Yourself Temp 3Multiple Choice
1 2 3 7