Standard Procedures


End Processing Staff are responsible for processing all physical items except for Serials (Main Ser), this will be handled by the Serials Clerk.

  • Receipt and Clearance Staff place barcodes on items
  • Cataloging Staff will place Items in date order on the End Processing Shelf by Library
  • Process items by latest date first
  • All items with slips will be placed on Priority Processing Shelf, see Priority Slips


  • Log into Alma using your Username and Password
  • Go to Tasks>Items>In Department



  • Ensure Process Status is set to: All
  • Request Filter is set to : All
  • Interested Users is set to: All
  • Library is set to: All
  • Select Barcode
  • Wand Barcode



  • Item should generate and have a status of Physical Processing
  • If item is not available see Manager Library Technical Services, do not continue with processing
  • Perform standard physical processing on the item, see below




Dust Jackets and Slipcases

  • Archer Library and TPC
    • Remove and recycle the dust jacket or slipcase
  • FNUNIV Libraries – Regina, Saskatoon and Northern
    • Leave the dust jacket on all hardcover books
    • Place the barcode on the back of the dust jacket and cover with mylar
    • Place the call number on the spine of the jacket and cover with mylar
  • Special Collections, Campion, Luther, La Cite
    • Retain the dust jacket or slip case, ensure to not label them

Spine labels

  • Print the Spine Label using Spineomatic label module



  • Wand the Barcode – Information will automatically populate
  • Label should not require altering
  • If problems exist see Manager Libary Technical Services
  • Click Send to Desktop Printer



  • Archer, TPC, Campion, Luther, La Cite
    • Place the label near the bottom of the spine and wrap around the book
    • Cover the spine label with mylar
    • If cover is fabric use book tape as mylar will not stick
    • Do not alter or trim the label in any way
  • FNUNIV Libraries – Regina, Saskatoon and Northern
    • Softcover:
      • Place the label near the bottom of the spine and wrap around the book
      • Cover the spine label with mylar
      • Do not alter or trim the label in any way
    • Hardcover:
      • Leave the dust jacket on  the book and all labels are placed on the dust jacket
      • Place the label near the bottom of the spine and wrap around the book
      • Cover the spine label with mylar
      • Do not alter or trim the label in any way
  • Special Collections
    • See, End Processing – Special Collections



  • Spine Label Call Number Position
    • Ensure the full call number is visible on the spine of the book (as above)
      • Note: long locations such as Main Textbook may fold over to the front of the item but all call number information must be on the side
    • If the call number does not fit on the spine:
      • Do not wrap the Call Number on the spine
      • Wrap the white portion of the label around the corner and all call number information should be listed on the front bottom left hand corner of the book
    • Cover the spine label with mylar
    • If cover is fabric use book tape as mylar will not stick
    • Do not alter or trim the label in any way





  • Archer, TPC, Campion, Luther, La Cite, FNUniv All locations
    • Place mylar over the barcode
    • If cover is fabric use book tape as mylar will not stick
  • FNUNIV Libraries – Regina, Saskatoon and Northern
    • Softcover:
      • Place mylar over the barcode
    • Hardcover:
      • Barcode is  placed on the cover and place mylar overtop



  • Special Collections
    • See, End Processing – Special Collections



  • Archer and TPC, Campion, Luther
    • Stamp library location stamp on the publication page
      • CAMPION COLLEGE LIBRARY, University of Regina
      • LUTHER COLLEGE LIBRARY, University of Regina
  • FNUniv Regina, Saskatoon and Northern
    • Stamp the small location stamp on the top of the book
  • FNUniv Regina ONLY
    • Stamp the large location stamp on the title page
      • LIBRARY, ROOM 1001
      • REGINA, SK S4S 7K2
      • (306) 790-5950 ext. 3429
  • La Cite
    • No stamps
  • Special Collections
    • See, End Processing – Special Collections


Tattle Tape

  • Archer, TPC, La Cite
    • Do not tattle tape any items
  • Campion, Luther, FNUniv All Locations
    • Tattle tape all items
  • Types of Tattle Tape
    • Hard Cover Books
      • Use the White Tattle Tape (B1) inserted in the spine using the metal rod

image image



  • Soft Cover Books
    • Use the Green Tattle Tape (B2) pressed into the middle of the book




  • Small Pamphlets, Government Publications
    • Use the White Tattle Tape (B1) in a discreet location



  • CD’s, DVDS
    • Use disc tattle tape on the top of the item
    • f the item is 2 sided do not put tattle tape on it, See Manager, Library Technical Services for further assistance
  • Special Collections
    • See, End Processing – Special Collections


Return to Alma

  • Once all processing of the physical item is complete update item in Alma
  • Check mark beside title
  • Click Done



  • Click Confirm


  • Item will be removed and be marked In Transit to User Services or designated Library


  • Archer Items:
    • Place the item on the book truck
    • At the end of the day take the book truck to User Services to Scan the item in, do not leave any completed items in Technical Services over night
    • Priority Items are taken directly to User Services after processing, do not place on truck, see Priority Slips
  • TPC, Campion, Luther, FNUNIV All Locations, La Cite
    • Take to mail room and place on designated shelf for mailing


  • Some items require more detailed processing go to:
    • Audio Visual Materials
    • Binders and Small Items
    • Books with Discs
    • Donations
    • Government Documents
    •  Main LUO
    • Micromaterials
    • Scores and Parts
    • Special Collections


Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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