

  • Music scores are ordered by Manager, Library Collections Services
  • More in-depth duplicate searching must be done in order to ensure that we do not all ready own a copy of the score or that it is coming on a Standing Order, see Standing Orders
  • If there is an identical title ensure to check the publisher/edition number of the owned copy versus the copy requested as the librarian may want a different edition, if there is a copy that is the same but has a different publisher email the Music Librarian to ensure they want to order the score
  • Check to see if the request is for a Full Score versus a Miniature Score as we may have one version but the librarian would like the other, it is not necessary to email to confirm that they want the other version
  • Sometimes it may seem as though we have a score that is requested however the instrumentation may be different, ensure to compare the bibliographic record and the order


Frequently Used Vendors

  • Theodore Front –
    • o Able to order online with a Purchase Order, see Vendors, Theodore Front
    • o Contact:


  • JW Pepper –
    • o Able to order online with a Purchase Order, see Vendors, JW Pepper
    • o Contact:


  • CMC –
    • o Able to order with a Purchase Order
    • o Contact:


  • All large collections and works are Library Use Only (Main LUO)
    • Generally these are items on the standing order list
  • individual scores and sets are to circulate – Main
  • See librarian responsible for Music for further assistance


Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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