Score and Parts


  • Score with a few pages
    • Cataloging staff will put it into an open-end envelope
    •  Place mylar over the barcode
    • Place title label on top 1/3 of the front of the envelope
    • Barcode on back and contents label beside or underneath barcode, cover with mylar
  • Score with accompanying parts
    • Place mylar over the barcode
    • Glue ½ of an envelope on the back inside cover of the score to make a pocket for the parts
    • If the back inside cover contains information that you do not want to cover up, place the pocket on the front inside cover
    • A call number label is placed on:
      • Top left corner of each part, cover with mylar
      • Lower left cover of the score, cover with mylar
    • Stamp each part with Location stamp
    • If there are parts included, put a contents label on the back cover of the score beside the barcode (Contents: 4 parts) and include the total number of pieces in the item record, cover with mylar



Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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