Rapido Requests Lending Sets


Rapido sets can be created to group requests that are going through the same process.  This helps alert staff to the status of the request and if further investigation and processing is required.  Sets can be created as new, in process or closed.

Alma Rapido Resource Sharing Requests

Note: All Active Requests can be found above the sets, this should be monitored to ensure we are not missing requests if it does not fit within a set.

Lending Sets

  • New Requests:
    • Rapido Digital Request – Physical Item – Digital copy required from a physical item for Rapido/RapidILL
    • Rapido Digital Request – Electronic – Digital copy required from an electronic resource
    • P2P Digital Request – Physical and Electronic- Digital copy required from physical or electronic resource for Alma Resource Sharing Libraries
    • Rapido and P2P Physcial Request –  Physical loans from Rapido Pods (Canada and North America) and Alma Resource Sharing Libraries
    • Active Notes – Requests of all process types that have an active note
    • Locate Failed – Issues locating the resource in our collection
  • In Process Requests:
    • Being Processed – Physical items being retrieved from the shelf for scanning or mail delivery
    • Will Supply – Status is created when a federated college scans in an item to move to Resource Sharing for mail delivery
    • Conditional Sent – A conditional offer was sent to the borrowing library for approval/rejection
    • Shipped Physically – Items shipped to libraries – this includes all Rapido requests and Relais Requests
    • Returned by Partner – Rapido partners who have returned physical items
    • Received by Partner – Rapido partners who have received items we have shipped to them
  • Closed Requests
    • Lending Completed – All closed/completed requests

See individual procedures for further information.



Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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