Rapido Self Owned/Local Holding – All Staff


A request was placed in Rapido and we may or may not have the resource.


  • Borrowing Request Search
  • Digital Items:
    • Check Quick Find and go directly to the database and ensure we have full access to the required Ebook or article
    • Digital Item is Available in Quick Find:
      • Cancel Request in Alma Resource Sharing
        • Change Status: Cancelled By Staff
        • Cancellation Reason: Item Already Available, Supply Permalink from Quick Find and any instructions if required on how to access
        • Notify User: Ensure Check Mark is selected
        • Click Confirm


    • Digital Item is Not Available:
      • Place request in Alma Resource Sharing
        • Note: If there is no access and it states we do notify eresourc@uregina.ca and proceed with placing the request
      • Under Request Attributes: Labels
                • Leave: Self_Owned
                • Add: Approved
      • Request will move to lending library
    • Physical Request for an Item we have in Electronic Format:
      • If a patron is able to place a request for a physical item and we hold the item in electronic format the request should be cancelled and the permalink for item should be provided.
        • Note: if the patron states there are special requirements for why a physical copy is needed this will be taken into consideration and the other format may be acquired through ILL


  • Physical Items:
    • Check Quick Find to see the holdings and status of the physical item
    • If the holdings state we have the item and it is available a shelf check is performed
    • For journals we may not have the required issue/volume in our holdings, this would be moved to a lending library
    • If the item is lost/missing or on loan see Manager, Library Collections Services for further instructions at this time
    • If the Item is held at a Federated College: TBD
    • Shelf Check Paperwork:
        • Print a pick slip (or screenshot at this time) ensure all the correct information is listed for staff to do a shelf check or retrieve the item correctly
        • Digital Request (Scan):
          • Add Note: Pull from Shelf
          • Highlight last 7 digits of the External Identifier, or add last 7 digits if the number is not listed on the  paper

      • Physical Request (Loan):
        • Add Note: Shelf Check
      • Place all paperwork on Black ILL truck for item retrieval


  • Retrieve Item from the Stacks:
    • Using the provided paperwork do a shelf check or retrieve the item from the stacks ensure all information matches the request
      • Digital: Place item with paperwork  on the Borrowing ILL Shelf at the Scanning Desk Shelf
      • Physical: Write On Shelf on the paperwork, leave the item on the shelf,  place the paperwork in basket marked ILL Borrowing Physical Items Shelf Check on ILL Desk
    • If the item is not on the shelf write Not on Shelf and place paperwork in basket marked ILL Borrowing Physical Items Shelf Check on ILL Desk
    • Borrowing staff will retrieve paperwork for physical requests and process as required
      • Move to Patron Request or find ILL lender
  • Items to be Loaned:
    • Change Borrowing Request to Patron Physical Request
      • In Borrowing Request Click the Ellipsis (…)
      • Select View Local Resources


  • Click Ellipsis (…)
  • Click Request




  • Requester: Will auto populate
  • Description: Select required volume/issue if required
  • Pickup At Select: Archer Library
    • Note: If item is at a Federated College still select Archer Library
    • If Patron is outside of Regina and needed Home Delivery select Personal Delivery Home Address, ensure to add address that was written into ILL request
  • Select Cancel Resource Sharing Borrowing Request: Ensure Check Mark is shown
  • Click Submit



  • Request will be cancelled

  • The request will go to User Services to pull the item and retrieve it from shelf for patron



  • Items to be Digitized:
    • Scan item and save:
      • Save as: Last 7 digits of external number
      • Save to: T:\library\ill\Add Doc\Borrowing
      • Place paperwork in the basket marked ILL Borrowing Saved to T on ILL desk
  • Fill the request:
    • Locate the Request in Alma Resource Sharing
    • Click Ellipsis (…)
    • Click Fill Locally Upload File



  • Click Browse

  • Go to T:\library\ill\Add Doc\Borrowing
  • Select correct file saved by last 7 digits of External Number click open to attach to request
  • Click Send

  • File is delivered to patron and they will receive an email notification for access


  • Physical Item Not on Shelf:
    • If the item is lost/missing see Library, Collections Services Manager at this time
    • If the item is on loan see Library, Collections Services Manager at this time
    • Volume/Issue not held:
    • Under Request Attributes: Labels
              • Leave: Self_Owned
              • Add: Approved
    • Request will move to lending library




Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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