Rapido Requests Borrowing Sets


Rapido sets can be created to group requests that are going through the same process.  This helps alert staff to the status of the request and if further investigation and processing is required.  Sets can be created as new, in process or closed.


Note: All Active Requests can be found above the sets, this should be monitored to ensure we are not missing requests if it does not fit within a set.


Borrowing Sets

  • New:
    • Blank Request Form: A request was created by a blank form this will include digital and physical requests as well as other mediation rules that may be triggered – Mediation Required
    • Ready to be Sent: A request was created in Rapido  for physical or digital items. This set may include requests that were created via the Rapido offer but requires mediation based on the systems parameters to stop the request from automatically being sent to a request lender,  items that were not filled by the Rota or other mediation rules that may be triggered – Mediation Required
    • Home Address Note – the patron has selected mail delivery to location outside Regina – Ensure address is in the note field – mediation is required
    • Bad Citation – A request was was placed in Rapido but the citation has an error – mediation is required
    • Locate Failed – A request was placed in Rapido but the system could not locate a lender – mediation is required
    • Local Holding – A request was placed in Rapido but a local holding was found in Alma – mediation is required
    • Self-Owned – A request was placed in Rapido and we may or may not have the resource – mediation is required
    • Pending Approval – A request was created in Rapido  for physical or digital items and are pending approval due to copyright restrictions or other mediation rules that may be triggered – Mediation Required
    • Mediated Patron Renewal Request – Renewal Requests placed by patrons through Quick Find account – mediation is required
    • Renew Request Not Accepted – Lending library did not approve the renewal – mediation is required
    • Physical Rejected by Partner – A request was sent to a lending library but they rejected the request – mediation is required
    • Reactivated – Request was closed and has been reopened – mediation is required
    • Active General Message – Message received from lending library – mediation required
  • Note: Some items may end up in two sets if they have fall within rules for both sets.


  • In Process:
    • Request Sent to Partner – RELAIS – Requests that were exported to third party vendor (Relais) but have not closed yet in Alma Resource Sharing – INFO TO COME
    • Digital Requests Sent to Partner –  Digital Requests sent to partner that are waiting to be filled
    • Physical Requests Sent to Partner – Physical Requests sent to partner that are waiting to be filled
    • Shipped Physically – Physical Requests shipped by partner
    • Physically Received by Library – Materials received by our library for patrons
    • Loaned to Patron – Materials that patrons have picked up and signed out
    • Returned by Patron – Materials scanned in at User Services that are en-route to Interlibrary Loans
    • Returned to Partner – Materials that have been shipped back to the lending library
    • Renew Requested – Renewal requests submitted to the lending library and are waiting for a reply
    • Renewed by Partner – Approved renewal requests by lending library – need to update Patron Record and Resource Request in Alma
    • Lost Communicated to Patron – Item has been marked missing on the Patron account and they have been notified
    • Will Supply – the lending library has stated the they will supply the item but it has not yet been shipped


  • Closed:
    • Borrowing Completed – All closed requests
    • Cancelled by Patron – All requests cancelled by the patron through Quick Find or by staff in Alma using Cancelled by Patron status
    • Exported to 3rd Party  – All closed requests sent to Relais for processing










Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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