Rapido Mediated Labels


Requests submitted via Rapido that trigger a mediation rule will have a label assigned to it.  These requests could appear in different sets depending on their status.


Alma Rapido Resource Sharing Requests

  • Current Mediation Rules are set up and below lists the action to be taken for each label that will fall within another defined set
  • Multiple actions may need to be taken depending on the number of meditation rules that may apply to the request
  • Please note: some requests may trigger multiple labels and additional labels may be required to move the request along

Patron Note

  • In the request click Edit

  • Resource Information: Check the information to ensure everything is correct and all requirements are included
    • Note field: Ensure to see what note was added and if further assistance is required before processing the request
    • Do not delete the note

  • Go to Request Attributes
    • Labels:
      • Leave Leave Patron Note
      • Add note: Note Reviewed


  • Click Save


  • Request has been sent to the partner





Confirm Before Relais

  • The Rapido Confirm Before Relais label will appear once a system search has been completed and no libraries from Rapido or Peer to Peer could locate or fill our request.  This rule has been set up so that we mediate the request and check the citation information before moving it to Relais.
  • Click Edit on the Request
    • Ensure all information is correct, update as required
    • If the citation information is incorrect and the item cannot be sourced cancel the request, Rapido Cancelling A Borrowing Request
    • If everything is correct/updated
    • Labels:
      • Leave Confirm Before Relais
      • Add Approved


  • In the Rota Relais will be Active
  • Click Save



  • Requests will move to In Process:
    • Digital Requests Sent to Partner
    • Physical Request Sent to Partner
    • Request Sent to Partner – Relais





Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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