Rapido Locate Failed


If the system can not locate a resource based on the information provided in a lending request it will be marked Locate Failed


Alma Rapido Resource Sharing Requests

  • See Lending>New>Locate Failed
  • Click Locate Failed


Digital Requests

  • Click ellipsis (…)
  • Click Locate Resource


  • If no data populates click cancel


  • Find and copy the title of the resource required in the request


  • Do a search in Quick Find to see if you can locate the resource
  • If the item is available electronically:
    • Download and save
    • Fill the request following standard procedures
  • If the item is available in print:
    • Print the pick slip and highlight/write the required information
    • Fill the request following standard procedures
  • If the item is not available:
    • Reject the request following standard procedures
  • See Rapido Digital Lending for further procedures


  • Locate Resource- Finds Source
  • Determine if source matches request
    • For journals item availability is the holdings record
  • Select required record
  • Click Select


  • Lending Request will update


  • The request will populate in one of the task lists
    • Created Lending Request digital Physical Item
    • Created Lending Request Digital Electronic
    • Created Lending Request Physical
    • Created Lending Request Digital All


  • If our holdings still does not match the item that it is trying to link to reject the request


Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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