Rapido Blank Request Form


For materials that patrons cannot find during a Quick Find Search Beyond University of Regina they can place requests using the blank request form available in Quick Find. These requests come in as mediated request as no Partner can be searched through the blank form feature.


Alma Rapido Resource Sharing Requests

  • Click Rapido Icon

  • Ensure Borrowing Tab is Selected
  • New Select:
    • Blank Request Form


  • Click Edit


  • General Information Tab
    • Duplicate Search to see if it is held in Quick Find
    • Check all citation information
      • If the request is for a digital copy an ISN number or System Control Number (OCLC) is required
      • It is recommended to add the ISN or System Control number for all physical and digital requests


  • Scroll To Request Attributes
    • Labels:
      • Leave Blank Form Request
      • Add Approved
  • See below if a patron note was also added



  • If a Note was also added to the request an additional label needs to be added
    • Resource Information: Check patron Note for additional information – do not delete the note

    • Request Attributes Labels:
      • Leave Blank Form Request
      • Leave Patron Note
      • Add Approved
      • Add Note Reviewed


  • Scroll to top
  • Click Recalculate Partner



  • If all information is correct and a partner is found the status should update and move on to the next step
  • If the Request fails to send to a partner notify Manager, Library Collections Services


  • The Request should move to In Process:
    • Request Sent to Partner – RELAIS – only Relais requests, to help facilitate with current issues
    • Digital Request Sent to Partner (All Libraries Rapido/Alma Resource Sharing/Relais)
    • Physical Request Sent to Partner (All Libraries Rapido/Alma Resource Sharing/Relais)
  • Note:
    • Requests Sent to Third Party System – Relais
      • If a partner is not found in Rapido or Alma Resource Sharing the lender of last resort will be selected, in this case Relais.  There are currently some issues with how these move to Relais
        • Request Moves to Relais but does not identify the patron creating and REG record – cancel this record stating System Issue create a request directly in Relais
        • Request moves to Relais but creates 2 identical requests, cancel one stating system issue
        • All requests moved to Relais currently remain in Process in Rapido until staff receive a filled request from Relais and then close the Rapido request



Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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