Loraas Disposal


Technical Services is responsible for contacting Loraas Disposal when the book recycling bin s full.

  • Blue Recycling Bin at the Library Loading Dock
  • Technical Services staff take items to the main floor loading dock on trucks and leave them for recycling
  • User Services will monitor the area and dispose of recycled materials
  • User Services will email staff member and cc Manager, Library Technical Services to notify them that the bin is full
  • Technical Services will contact Loraas to arrange a time to empty the recycling bin
    • Call 306-721-1000
    • Account Number 1908.19
  • User Services will unlock the bin on the scheduled pick up date
  • Key is held at User Services Desk
  • User Services will lock the bin after it has been emptied


Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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