Leganto Purchase Requests


Reserves Staff can place purchase requests for items required for Leganto Reading Lists.

  • All Reading Lists requests are handled as priority and are ordered following Priority Procedures
  • Ensure to check if an Ebook is available, email Barbara the required information stating it is Priority for Leganto Reading List
  • Reject the request in Alma, see below Rejecting a Purchase Request



  • Select Tasks>Purchase Requests


  • Click edit on request


  • Use information provided to determine next steps

  • Follow standard duplication procedures to ensure we do not already own the required title
    • If the library has the required item see below Rejecting a Purchase Request
  • The purchase request will create a minimal record that is suppressed

  • Search for a vendor who can provide the required item as soon as possible
  • if the item cannot be purchase reject the Purchase Request see below Rejecting a Purchase Request


  • Download a new bibliographic record in Alma and save and the release the record, DO NOT select order


  • Return to the Purchase Request
  • Click Relink


  • Information will populate but edit as required
  • Click Search

  • The existing purchase request bib record and the new full record will appear
  • Hover over and click the full bibliographic record


  • Click Confirm


    • The purchase request bibliographic record will be automatically deleted from Alma
    • Return to the purchase request and Click Edit



  • Scroll to Request Attribute
    • Add owning Library
    • Cost
    • Fund
    • Vendor
    • Add Location
  • Click Save


  • Click Approve and Order


  • POL has been created
  • Review the POL as required


  • POL will be in auto packaging and will move to sent when the job is run overnight, or click Order Now to change the status
  • If an error was made you can still update the POL as required

  • Send the purchase request to Acqfinancial with all required information to be ordered on credit card
    • If the item is only available in GOBI or Oasis follow the Purchase Request Rejection procedures and select Purchased on Vendor System
      • This will delete the temporary bib record and allow for the new bibliographic record and POL to be created via the vendor system
  • Return to the Tasks>Purchase Requests or Acquisitions>Purchase Requests>Manage Purchase Requests
  • The request remains in purchase requests with a view/delete status
  • Delete the request once the item has been sent for ordering

  • Click Confirm


  • Title will be removed from purchase requests



Rejecting a Purchase Request

Purchase requests are rejected if it is a duplicate, is not available, or if an ebook is purchased

  • Click ellipsis (…)
  • Click Reject

  • Click Confirm


  • Select the reason for the rejection from the drop down menu


  • Click Reject


  • The request will be rejected, delete the purchase request as stated above
  • Email library.reserves@uregina.ca notifying them of the reason for the rejection to ensure they are aware of the situation
    • If an ebook was ordered send the link from Quick Find to library reserves
    • If a book was only available in GOBI or Proquest send the new Quick Find link to library reserves



Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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