Interlibrary Loans Mail

Interlibrary Loans Mail

All interlibrary loan mail is processed by a Technical Services Staff Member.



  • All mail is sorted by a designated staff member
  • ILL mail will be left on the table unopened for the designated staff member to handle
  • Staff opens and sorts all Interlibrary Loans Mail

Lending Returns 

  • All paper work is placed inside of the item and then placed on the book truck
  • Separate via Federated College
  • File in call number order

Lending from Federated Colleges

  • Items from Federated Colleges come in Burgundy Bags (if available), Green Bags or Envelopes
  • This items are for lending to other institutions
  • Do not open the bag
  • Place the bag on the designated shelf near ILL Lending Clerk


  • Open package and place any paperwork inside the item then take to ILL workstation
  • If the item comes in a reusable bag leave the item in the bag and take to the ILL workstation


  • All interlibrary loans mail will be placed in the mailroom by 10:30 am in order to be processed for that days mail run
  • The ILL lending clerk and the ILL borrowing clerk will take the items to the mailroom and place in the designated area in the mailroom

Lending Items

  • These are our libraries items that we lend to other institutions and go to:
    • Canadian destinations
    • USA or International destinations
  • Package the item(s) in a bubble envelope or box
  • Do not seal the package at this time
  • Weigh and measure the package:
    • Weight – Always remember to add 0.1 to the weight
    • Length
    • Width
    • Height
  • Put a labelope on the package and write the above information on the flap for reference
  • Place the provided address label in the labelope temporarily in order to enter the correct address into your shipping tool
  • Do not seal the labelope at this time
  • Use the correct program to ship the item:
    • Canadian Destinations
      • Use the CULC Library Shipping Tool to mail all Canadian destination items, see Library Shipping Tool
      • If the weight is over 5 kilograms separate the shipment into two packages
    • USA or International Destinations
      • Use the Canada Post Desktop EST Program, see EST Desktop
  • Once the shipping is entered and finalized place the packages in the cart for the UofR Mailroom

Borrowing Items

  • These are items that we have loaned from other institutions and must be returned
  • Items will be sorted and placed in the designated area in the mailroom:
    • Prepaid – Canada
    • Not Prepaid – Canada and International

Prepaid – Canada

  • These are items that have arrived from Canadian Institutions with a prepaid return label
  • The label will be found inside the book, it will say Postage Paid or No Manifest Required and generally have a 3 in a little box, remove it from the book
  • Package the item(s) in a bubble envelope or box and seal
  • If the label is self-sticking place on the package
  • If the label is paper place a lablelope on the package and place the return label inside and seal the labelope
  • Place the package in the cart for the UofR mail room

Not Prepaid – Canada and International

  • These are books mailed within Canada that came without a prepaid return label or have been received from the USA or an international destination and must be returned
  • Package the item(s) in a bubble envelope or box and seal
  • Put a labelope on the package and write Weight-Length-Width-Height on the flap
  • Place the provided address label in the labelope temporarily in order to enter the correct address into your shipping tool
  • Do not seal the labelope at this time
  • Process the package using the Canada Post Desktop EST Program, see EST Desktop
  • Once the shipping is entered and finalized place the packages in the cart for the UofR

Borrowing Request Items to be Mailed

See, Borrowing Request to be Mailed


Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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