Interlibrary Loans Borrowing Workflow



Patron Places Request

  • All patron requests are placed in Quick Find via the patron
  • The patron must be logged in to their account to place a request
  • Patrons place requests by:
    • Selecting Include Results from Other Libraries after a Quick Find search
    • Changing the filter when doing a search to Beyond University of Regina
    • Filling out the Blank Request form, either from the more actions ellipsis (…) or after a search of other libraries does not yield results

Requests Move into Alma Rapido Resource Sharing

  • All patron requests go into Alma Rapido Resource Sharing
  • When Rapido is used in Quick Find to submit a request the following should occur:
    • A Rota is built by the system
    • Locations are found in the following sequence:
      • RapidILL (digital requests)
      • Rapido Canadian Pod
      • Peer to Peer Alma Resource Sharing Partners (Canadian Libraries)
      • Rapido North American Pod
      • Relais – lender of last resort – Request is moved to Relais
    • All requests should go to partners without mediation by staff
      • Mediation is required if there is an error in the citation and the system or another library notifies us of an issue
      • A note is entered by the patron
      • Requests that are not filled by Rapido will be mediated before moving to Relais
  • When the Blank Request Form is used in Quick FindĀ  to submit a request the following should occur:
    • The request will go into one of the Task Lists in borrowing:
      • Blank Request Form with Patron Note
      • Digital Blank Request Form
      • Physical Blank Request Form
    • Staff must mediate the request update as required following procedures
    • The system will locate a partner in the following sequence:
      • RapidILL (digital requests)
      • Rapido Canadian Pod
      • Peer to Peer Alma Resource Sharing Partners (Canadian Libraries)
      • Rapido North American Pod
      • Relais – lender of last resort – Request is moved to Relais
        • Digital Requests will require further mediation of Relais is selected as a Partner
  • Follow all procedures for processing requests

Requests Moved to Lender of Last Resort – Relais

  • If Rapido and Peer to Peer could not find a partner to fill the request the lender of last resort is used which is currently set as Relais
  • If the request is sent to Relais work now must be handled in both Rapido, Relais and Worldshare (if Relais cannot find a partner)
  • Relais will try to send the request to a partner unmediated, if no partner is found staff will mediate the request and find suppliers either from Relais or Worldshare
  • Follow all procedures for processing requests

Filling Requests

  • Requests are filled in the following way:
    • Digital Requests filled by RapidILL or Peer to Peer Alma Resource Sharing Partners:
      • Request is filled by the lending library and the digital file is sent directly to the patron
    • Physical Requests filled by Rapido or Peer to Peer Alma Resource Sharing Partners:
      • Item is received at the library and Alma Rapido Resource Sharing is used to supply the item to the patron
      • Return items in Alma Rapido Resource Sharing
    • Digital Requests filled by Relais and Worldshare
      • Digital request is received via email link or pdf from Relais partners, pdf is saved and filled in Relais
      • Digital request is received via article exchange in Worldshare, pdf is saved an filled in Relais
      • The original Rapido request must be cancelled
    • Physical Requests filled by Relais or Worldshare:
      • Item is received in Relais and Worldshare (if required)
      • Relais will create a PAT request in Alma Rapido Resource Sharing
      • The original Rapido request must be cancelled
      • Return item in Relais and/or Worldshare – this will automatically update Alma Rapido Resource Sharing request that was created

Patron Renewal Requests

  • Patrons can request renewals using their Library Quick Find Account
  • Renewals will populate in Alma Rapido Resource Sharing Borrowing Tasks
  • Staff will mediate the borrowing request based on the lending library who provided the item
    • Rapido Partners or Alma Peer to Peer Partners
      • Submit renewal request in Alma Rapido Request
      • Update Patron Account in Alma with new renewal date
      • Update borrowing request information?
    • Relais and Worldshare
      • Submit renewal request in Relais or Worldshare
      • Update Relais
      • Update patron account in Alma with new renewal date
      • Update borrowing request information


Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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