Interlibrary Loan Pick Up and Shelf Check


  • After ILL lending staff have completed searching requests they will place them on the top shelf of the ILL truck in Call Number Order and separated by location
  • ILL borrowing staff will also place Shelf Check paperwork for patron requests on the truck in call number order
  • Return items will be placed on the second shelf of the truck to be taken to User Services and place them on the truck marked ILL Scan in Items
  • Staff will retrieve items floor by floor matching the paper work to the items retrieved for Lending Requests
  • Staff will check the shelf for borrowing items and update the paperwork with a check mark for ON SHELF and an X for NOT ON SHELF
  • Once complete, separate the items that need to be scanned – COPIES from the items that will be sent out – LOANS
  • Items for scanning are placed on the desk at the digitization workstation
    • When completed place the item on the shelf marked –Digitization Completed
  • Loans are desensitized and placed on the ILL Lending Shelf marked – Interlibrary Loans Lending Requests


Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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