Fiscal Year End


Year end for the Archer Library starts May 1st and can run to approximately the middle of May. Federated Colleges year end occur at different times (FNU April 1, Campion May 1, Luther July 1).

For Financial Purposes the following is required prior to May 1st:

  • PCARD Orders

    • All credit card purchased will be placed 3 to 5 business days before April 30th to ensure that the item appears on the April statement
  • Electronic Resources
    • All electronic purchases will be placed 1 to 3 business days before April 30th to ensure invoices will have April 30th as the invoice date
  • Physical items
    • All physical items and its corresponding invoice will be received and processed on or before April 30th for submission to Financial Services
    • Any invoices dated before May 1st but no item has been received yet will wait until roll over to be processed in the new fiscal year
    • Staff can continue to place physical requests during this time until rollover is required in Alma, see below Alma Rollover
Alma Rollover
  • Rollover in Alma will take place in the first or second week if May
  • Financial Specialist will send an email to staff in advance to notify them of the date that rollover will occur and will remind them of the following:
    • Do not create any POL’s or place orders in any vendor system to ensure no PO lines are generated in Alma the day before and during roll over
  • Once rollover is complete an email will be sent by the Financial Specialist to resume ordering
Duties During Rollover


  • Staff will perform all duties required for year end FURTHER INFO TO COME


  • During rollover (approximately 2 days) staff will not generate or edit PO lines in any way
  • Staff will not place orders on any vendor site

Receipt and Clearance

  • Receipt and Clearance will not receive physical monographs received by the library after April 30th
  • Staff will receive items and its corresponding invoice dated before May 1st for processing and submission to Financial Specialist
  • Any invoice dated before May 1st with no item received will wait until rollover is completed to be paid in the new fiscal year
  • Serials Clerk can Check-In items


  • Staff can continue to edit bibliographic records for received items
  • Catalogue new donations and gifts
  • All electronic resource work can continue as usual

Interlibrary Loans

  • All interlibrary loans functions can continue with the exception of invoice creation for invoices received after April 30 and until fiscal year end is completed
  • No invoices will be created in FAST for borrowing libraries after April 30th until rollover is complete
  • See Financial Specialist for further information

Mail Room 

  • All mail room duties can continue

Other Duties

  • Staff will work on special projects as provided by Manager, Library Collections Services


Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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