EST Desktop


The Canada Post EST Desktop program is used to send:

  • All USA and International Lending items
  • Returns in Canada that did not have a prepaid label
  • Open EST 2.0
  • User ID: archer_mail.01
  • Password: Interlib!
  • Click Log in




  • General Tab – Enter information – see mailing label provided by Interlibrary Loans
  • Sent to
    • Reference #1 – Interlibrary Loans
    • Name/Company/Address/City/Country/Postal Code
    • Phone – NA (Can be blank)
  • From
    • Select Use Customer Address
  • Parcel Information
  • Service and Options
    • Canada- Expedited Parcel – Expedited is chosen so that a tracking number is included
    • Coverage – Enter $100.00
  • Billing Information
    • Contract – 40805056
    • Paid by Customer – 0004008393 – University of Regina
    • Method of Payment – Account
  • Click Print Process



  • Click Print



  • Once you have printed the window will clear and your next shipment can be entered
  • When all Canadian, USA and International shipments have been entered go to End of Day Instructions noted below


  • General Tab – Enter information – see mailing label provided by Interlibrary Loans
  • Sent to
    • Reference #1 – Interlibrary Loans
    • Name/Company/Address/City/Country/Postal Code
    • Phone – 00 (Must be numbers)
  • From
    • Select Use Customer Address
  • Parcel Information
    • Weight/Length/Width/Height – See Interlibrary Loans Mail
  • Service and Options
    • Service – USA:
  • Select – Tracked Packet-USA -if available (tracking number and less rate)
    • Coverage: Default coverage is $100 and auto populates
    • Non-Delivering Handling: Defaults return to Sender
  • Select- Xpresspost USA (tracking number but highest rate)
    • Coverage- Enter $100.00
  • Non-Delivery Handling – Select Return at Sender’s Expense
    • Do not use Small Packet USA – NO tracking Number provided
  • Service – International:
    • Select – Tracked Packet – International – if available (tracking number and less rate)
    • Coverage: Default is $100 and auto populates
    • Non-Delivering Handling: Defaults return to Sender
  • Select -Xpresspost International (tracking number but highest rate)
    • Coverage- Enter $100.00
    • Non-Delivery Handling – Select Return at Sender’s Expense
  • Example Tracked Packet



  • Example Xpresspost



  • Select Customs Tab


  • Click Drop Down – Predefined Goods (First USA/International Shipment Only)
  • Select Interlibrary Loan Books
  • Select Add to List
  • Click Edit
  • Unit Weight – Enter weight of package, this must match the information you entered on the general page
  • Click Update Shipment List


  • Click Print Process
  • Click Print


  • Once you have printed the window will clear on the General tab and your next shipment can be entered


  • NOTE: The Customs tab does not clear, when creating the next international shipment you do not need to use the drop down predefined goods
  • Highlight existing line Click Edit



  • Update with new weight and click update shipment list



  • Continue to follow all above procedures until all items are shipped
  • When all Canadian, USA and International shipments have been entered go to End of Day Instructions noted below


  • Click End of Day



  • Enter Customer Reference #
  • Double click beside each manifest and Enter ILL-Library
  • Click Transmit/Print



  • Click Print


Retention of Mailing Labels and Manifest

  • Scan all mailing labels and email to yourself from the mailroom printer, include both the shipping labels and manifest
  • Forward your email to
  • All labels will be saved to:
    • T:\library\Technical Services_Collections\TechServ\Mail Tracking Labels\EST Manifests\’YEAR’\’MONTH’
  • All labels will be retained as follows:
    • Current Year
    • Previous Year
    • delete any prior years annually


  • Place parcels on the table in order from last to first
  • Match the paperwork to the parcel
  • Remove ILL address label and place in metal basket on the table by the return cart
  • Place the sending label in the labelope and seal
  • Canada/USA – One shipping Label per labelope
  • International – 2 shipping labels are required in the labelope
  • Example USA Parcel


  • Place all packages in the cart to take down to the UR Mail Room


  • Sign USA and International Manifests
  • Full set (3 copies) to be sent to UR Mail Room – place in the cart
  • Currently 2 copies are coming back from the mailroom:
    • ILL related manifests can be recycled
    • Non-ILL manifests should be placed in Karen Wiome mailbox, add a post-it stating NOT ILL


Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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