Digitization Leganto Reading List Requests


Technical Services staff will monitor and scan all digitization requests for Reading Lists which are submitted through Leganto.

  • Faculty, Librarians, Reserve Staff can place digitization requests directly in Leganto




Copyright Rules and Approval

  • The system has rules in place to auto approve copyright for all Leganto Digitization Requests or block them for further review
  • These rules are based off of fair dealing
  • When a request comes in and it falls within the rules the copyright status will be automatically approved to a status of:
    • Approved Automatically/Auto Approved Copyright Work Percentage Course

  • Requests may be placed for digitization outside of fair dealing by Leganto users that will populate into Alma and will appear on the task list Other Requests – Digitization Requests – Approval
    • The approval of all digitization requests for Reading List will be handled by Collections Services
      • NOTE: These will not appear on the Pick from Shelf List until after the copyright is approved
    • This task list must be monitored daily to ensure requests are being checked/approved and pulled from the shelf
  • Further investigation required for any items out of copyright will be handled by Collections Services.


  • If the item is out of copyright:
    • Collections Services staff will look to see if an Ebook can be purchased, email Manager, Library Collections Services if Required
    • o If an Ebook is available the Digitization request is cancelled, See Below-  Cancelling a Digitization Request, with a note stating Ebook will be purchased request is out of copyright
    • Email Ebook information to Head of Technical Services for purchasing
  • If no Ebook is available Technical Services staff will email library.reserves@uregina.ca to notify them the request is out of fair dealing and to see if the Copyright Clearance Centre (CCC) was checked to purchase the rights
  • If the item is not available through CCC reserves will contact Copyright Librarian to secure permissions direct from publisher, this can be a lengthy process
  • Wait for confirmation from reserves before proceeding

Approving Copyright

  • Copyright Approval will be handled by Collections Services
  • If the request was actually in fair dealing but the system flagged it, the copyright needs to be approved
  • If permissions/copyright was secured approval is required
  • Approve Copyright
  • On Task list:
    • Click Other Requests
    • Click Digitization Requests- Approval


  • Click Ellipsis (…)
  • Click Work On


  • Click Approve


  • From Reason drop down:
  • For Items within Fair Dealing Click: Legal Exception
  • For Items that have Copyright Clearance Click: Direct Permissions Obtained
  • Click Submit


Pick From Shelf List

  • Requests will appear on Pick From Shelf List based on the library location of the material

Archer Library

  • User Services Staff from will pull physical items from the shelf and place them on the designated shelf in Collections Services
  • Ensure location is – Archer Library – Archer Circulation


  • Click Pick From Shelf


  • Items that are on the shelf and available will populate, some may be requests to loan the book others will be for digitization or work orders for Collections Services


  • Click print slip for the digitization item


  • Retrieve the item from the stacks
  • Scan the barcode or request id number
  • Click OK

  • Status will update to:
    • Destination- Digitization
    • Request Type- Library Physical Digitization Request


Federated Colleges





Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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