Criteria for Ordering Monographs


Acquisitions staff must mediate all monograph selection requests placed via GOBI Selection, GobiAlerts, Oasis Selections, and Email.

Use the below criteria to determine if the item should be ordered or sent to review by another staff member.

  • Ensure to follow standard duplicate searching procedures before sending items for review or ordering, see to come
  • Please note: All  faculty selections made in GOBI Alert Recommendations will go into the librarians folder first for the librarian to determine next steps.


Print Selections Available as Ebooks

  • When reviewing librarian selections check to see if an Ebook option is available for all orders
  • If an ebook option is available for institution follow the below criteria:
    • If the print book is below $80.00 order print unless the Ebook is the same price
    • If the price is the same add to the folder: Ebook Orders Barbara
  • If a book is available as an Ebook and the print is over $80.00 send for review
    • GOBI:
      • Move selection to the folder: Ebook Orders Barbara, see Gobi Folders
    • Oasis:
      • Email information to, leave order in Oasis until confirmation is received
    • Email with title information only and is available in GOBI:
      • Select the title in GOBI and add the librarians initials and required library notes
      • Add to the selections orders
      • Add the selection to the folder Ebook Orders Barbara
      • File the email in completed, as all correspondence will happen in GOBI
    • Email with title information only but is not in GOBI:
      • forwarded to and place the email in review in the email folder Ebooks Barbara
    • Email that directly references Barbara or has a communication chain between the faculty and librarian:
      • Forward to and place the email in review in the email folder Ebooks Barbara


Print Option Only

  • If a selection is only available in print check the cost of the item to determine if the order should be placed or sent for review:
    • Cost up to $150 – Place the Order
    • Cost over $150 – Send for Review
      • GOBI: See Gobi Folders
      • OASIS: Email information to , leave order in Oasis until confirmation is received
      • Email: Forward the request to and place the email in review in the email folder CAT for Review




Selection or Recommendation for Items we have with Complimentary/Trial Access

  • If a request is placed for an item that shows as complimentary/trial in Quick Find send the request for review:
  • GOBI
    • Highlight the title
    • Click the Email button in upper right corner


  • Recipient:
  • Subject: Complimentary/Trial Access
  • Message: Print/Ebook Selection Placed – if information is available state who requested the item – add their GOBI initials
  • Click Email


  • Remove the order from GOBI
  • Highlight Title and select Delete (x)


    • OASIS:
      • Send an Email to with the title information and who selected the title, provide as much information as possible
      • Delete the selection from Oasis
    • Email:
      • Forward the Email to 
      • Move the email to completed in
  • Eresource staff will store all orders in annual folders for Complimentary/Trial Access and monitor as required



Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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