Broken Links


Quick Find: Links are submitted via Report a Problem and sent to Discovery Technologies Librarian who will forward to to update as required.

Leganto: Links are marked as broken by patrons using  the Leganto Reading List System.



Leganto Broken Links

In Alma

  • Tasks>Citations>Marked as Broken
  • Click Mark As Broken


  • Click on Alerts



  • Click Link under Details


  • Find the issue/error
    • Usually the URL is incorrect
    • See if wrong link was hidden and access if available through other source
  • Click Ellipsis(…) to view in Leganto if Required


  • Find/Correct the URL
  • Click Edit



  • Add the new URL to the Source Field
  • Click Save
  • Ensure to make the Edit in Alma and not Leganto so that both systems are updated correctly


  • View Leganto  to ensure it was updated


  • When everything is updated correctly
    • Click Alerts
    • Click Remove


  • Update note to patron if required
  • Ensure Notify User is selected
  • Click Confirm


  • Title will be removed from the Broken Link Task List


Quick Find Broken Links

  • Links are submitted via Report a Problem and sent to Discovery Technologies Librarian who will forward to to update as required.
  • Open Eresource Email account and determine issue and if you need to reply to the patron
  • 2 types of broken links:
    • Monograph or Journal links which will include the MMS ID
    • Article links which includes CDI ID
  • Click the link in the email to access the resource
  • If the link does not work copy the MMS ID number or CDI ID Number
    • example MMS:


    • example CDI:



In Quick Find

  • Click the View Online link(s)



  • Determine the issue on the resource website
  • Return to Quick Find Under Details: Copy the MMS ID or Journal title


Go to Alma

  • Search for resource


  • Find collection requiring editing
  • Click View


  • Open Linking Tab
  • Click Test Access
  • Determine if there are issues or linking to wrong page
    • If the error is at the issue is at the article level:
      • Send an email to Barbara
    • If the error is for a paid Journal contact the vendor or Ebsco to determine access issues
    • If the error is for free resources at the journal level:
      • Go to Google- search for journal title
      • If you find a new source copy the URL for Alma
      • Return to Alma
      • Paste the new link in Static URL
      • Click Save


  • If a new source is not found for free resources delete the record
  • Click Portfolio List
  • Click Ellipsis (…)
  • Click Delete


  • Select Delete bibliographic Record(s)
  • Click Confirm



  • Reply to patron if required using the eresource email
  • Move the email to the required folder
    • Quickfind Problem Links – if there was a problem and it was resolved
    • Quickfind Link No Issues – if there was no problem





Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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