Borrowing Loan Periods


Interlibrary loan periods for patrons will vary depending on the source systems library policies, consortia agreements or library lending polices.

Due Dates will populate as follows in each Interlibrary Loan system following set criteria do not adjust these dates when the item is received:

Rapido Pods

Libraries who use Rapido (powered by Alma) as a Resource Sharing System and share resources to libraries within their Pod.  This is our first source to borrow materials from.

  • Canada Pod 1 – 42 day loan period, 1 renewal maximum
    • The date will generate when the book is received in Alma Resource Sharing (Rapido)
  • Canada Pod 2- 120 days, no renewal
    • The date will generate when the book is received in Alma Resource Sharing (Rapido)
  • NA Pod (North America) – 112 day loan period, no renewals
    • The date will generate when the book is received in Alma Resource Sharing (Rapido)

Alma Resource Sharing Libraries

Libraries who use Alma Resource Sharing as a Resource Sharing System and are set up as Partners with our institution for Borrowing and Lending. This is our second source to borrow materials from.

  • Partners – Lending terms are established by each library and the borrowing library must adhere to their set terms, due date will vary by library
    • The date will generate when the book is received in Alma Resource Sharing (Rapido)
    • Due dates tend to be either 42 days or 120 days, email the partner for a renewal


Libraries who use Relais as a Resource Sharing System. This is our third source to borrow materials from, all requests from Rapido will move to Relais if no lending library is found.

  • 42 day Loan Period, 1 Renewal  as per Consortia agreements with Canadian Institutions (COPPUL/OCUL)
    • ensure to email the lending library to confirm if a renewal can be granted
  • Ensure to check any additional notes from the lending library to see if a short loan only is granted, in this case the due date must be changed in Relais (this is a seldom occurrence)


Libraries who use Worldshare as a Resource Sharing System. This is our last source and staff will create requests in Worldshare based on information from Relais.

  • 42 day Loan Period, Renewal must be confirmed with lending library and is not guaranteed
  • As all Worldshare requests are in Relais we will follow the same due date rules as above
    • Note: Due dates in Worldshare will not match the patrons request in Relais as we fill all requests in Relais and follow those procedures


Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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