Special Collections


Special Collections consists of published materials that are rare, valuable, or have particular cultural and historical importance.


Location Code: Main Spec


Processing Books

  • Retain the book jacket
  • The item does not receive any stamps, labels, tattle tape or markings
  • All information is placed on an Acid Free Card
    • Barcode – is placed just above middle on the acid free card by Cataloging Staff
    • Call number label– placed on top left corner of the card
    • Title Label – placed below the barcode



  • Print the Spine Label using Spineomatic label module



  • Wand the Barcode – Information will automatically populate
  • Click Send to Desktop Printer



  • After printing the call number label delete the call number information and type in the title
  • Slide the acid free card into the book with the top sticking out
  • In Alma mark the item as Done following standing procedures, see Standard Procedures


Acid Free Envelopes

  • Items will be placed in appropriate sized acid free archival envelopes by Cataloging Staff who will also place the barcode on the item in the top centre back side of the envelope
  • Print the call number using the above instructions and place it on the bottom left hand corner of the front of the envelope, do not cover it with any tape or mylar
  • Print the title using the above instructions and place it in the top centre of the front of the envelope, do not cover it with any tape or mylar
  • Print a second copy of the call number and title and place it on an acid free card using regular procedures and place it inside of the book and in the envelope, this card will not have a barcode
  • In Alma mark the item as Done following standing procedures, see Standard Procedures
  • Do not use regular envelopes


Other Containers

  • If an item does not fit in an acid free envelope Cataloging Staff will place the barcode on an acid free card
  • End Processing will print the call number and title as above
  • End Processing Staff will construct a container out of Coroplast or request to order a container if required
  • Place a call number on the side of the box if room is available
  • Place a title label on the front of the box
  • In Alma mark the item as Done following standing procedures, see Standard Procedures
  • See Special Collections Librarian for special treatment
  • Do not place any items in regular office type boxes or plastic containers


Special Handling

  • Books that are falling apart, have loose pages, or a separated cover or binding should be tied up with unbleached cotton archival tape
  • One or two lengths of tape may be used around the circumference of the book from top to bottom
  • Make bow ties as you would for a shoe only at book edges, top and side.
  • Never tie nots or place the bow in the centre of the book these will cause lumps and damage the item
  • Do not remove old spine labels, book pockets, due date slips or other library markings, this will damage the book
  • Do not write directly on Special Collections items
  • Never attach any labels directly to the item
  • Ensure items with fold-out pages or maps be handled with special care so the pages do not get crushed
  • If you find documents or items in the book that do not seem to belong to the item for example, Letters, advertisements, business cards, bookmarks, flowers etc. remove them from the book. Set it aside and give to Special Collections Librarian. All of these non-acid free items will damage the book. The brown spots you see on the book are caused by acid in common paper, these marks are called “foxing” and it means the paper is slowly burning up over time.
  • Discard any place covers or cellophane sheets, plastic will damage the book
  • Consult with the Special Collections Librarian if you have questions regarding how to handle unusual sizes or formats


Delivering Special Collections Materials

Newly Cataloged Items

  • Will be processed in Collections Services and then taken to User Services to be scanned in promptly by User Services Staff
  • User Services will take them to Archives/Special Collections
  • Items must be transferred quickly due to the valuable nature and sensitivity of the item

Cataloging Corrections or New Containers

  • Cataloging Staff will scan in item into Items In Department
  • After all processing is complete staff will mark the Item Done in Alma
  • End Processing Staff will take the item to User Services to be Scanned in promptly
  • User Services Staff will take the item to Archives/Special Collections

Storing of items

  • Because of their value Special Collections materials should not have a long wait time on the shelf in Collections Services. The material should be given some priority.
  • Some security should be applied in Collections Services when valuable items are waiting for cataloguing or processing. It is recommended that items should be shelved in locations that are out of sight or in locked cabinets or a locked office. If you cannot accommodate this, please notify the Special Collections librarian. The librarian will find a location where the truck or trucks can be locked in overnight.


Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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