Damaged Items


For any items that become damaged items will be placed in Damaged Shelf Department by User Services. Staff will place a work order on the item through the repository and the item will be transferred to the Damaged Shelf Department to be handled.

User Services

  • Damaged books will be placed on the “Damaged Book” shelf in User Services
  • A User Services staff member will regularly monitor the shelf and collect the books for processing, no repairs will be performed
  • A work order will be created by User Services Staff member, see Create a Work order below
  • Books will be taken to the 6th floor and placed on the Damaged Books for Review Shelf in Collections Services every Wednesday
  • Repaired books will be transited back downstairs to User Services by Collections Services staff and placed on the “Scan in Items Cart”
  • User Services staff will scan the book in using “Scan in Items” to remove the “Transit” status and will be reshelved


Create a Work Order

  • Click Items



  • Click Ellipsis (…)
  • Click Work Order


  • Select Process Type: Damaged
  • Select Managing Department: Damaged Shelf
  • Add notes as required
  • Do not pick from shelf – check mark (item should generally be in hand)
  • Click Submit


  • View status and list of damaged items in Alma
    • Go to:
      • Monitor Requests & Item Process>Request Process Type> Damaged


  • View status of item in Quick Find



Damaged Shelf Department

  • All Collections Services Staff will have access to the Damaged Shelf


Damaged Shelf Workflow – Collections Services

  • Staff will retrieve the damaged items from the Damaged Books for Review Shelf
  • Go to I Am Physically at> Damaged Shelf Desk
  • Select Acquisitions>Post-Receiving Processing>Scan In Items


  • Set Status to: Damaged Shelf
  • Scan item barcode


  • Click Ok

  • Item will move to the Tasks>Items>In Department


  • Place items on the  Damaged Scanned In Shelf
  • In Alma an item search will show the Process Type Damaged (DShelf)



  • Every Monday a report will run and be emailed to selected Collections Services Staff
    • TITLE
  • Ensure you are: Damaged Shelf Desk
  • Click Acquisitions>Post-Receiving Processing>Scan In Items


  • Cataloging Staff member will Set Status to:
  • Items for Re-Order: Acquisitions Re-Order
  • Items for Withdrawal: Withdrawal Shelf
  • Items for Binding: Bindery Shelf
  • Items for Repair: Repair Shelf
  • Done set to No
  • Wand barcode


  • Item will remain at the Damaged Desk location but the status will change to its next required step
  • To see all items status and for the next processing step go to: Tasks> Items>Items in Department


  • To locate the title you require wand the barcode or search via title, select required Identifier
  • Process Status Set to All
  • Library Set to All


  • Cataloging Staff member will now distribute the items accordingly:
  • Reorder – Place on Acquisitions Damaged Re-Order Shelf
  • Withdraw – Place on For Withdrawal Shelf in End Processing
  • Bindery – Place on Bindery Shelf in End Processing
  • Repair – Place on Repair Shelf in Cataloging, see Mending Procedures below
  • Acquisitions Staff – Re-order following standard ordering procedures
  • Stamp the yellow flag with Ordered/Date Stamp
  • From Items in Department change the status from Acquisitions Re-Order to Withdrawal Shelf
  • Place damaged copy on the For Withdrawal Shelf in End Processing
  • End Processing Staff – Withdraw all items using standard withdrawal procedures, see Items for Withdrawal and Withdrawing and Deleting
  • Stamp item with Withdraw stamp
  • For items that are in decent condition place on recycle truck to be taken to bin
  • For items in very poor condition, wet/moldy etc., wrap in a plastic bag and throw in the garbage
  • No Damaged items go to Better World Books


  • Items that require binding see, Binding Hard Bound

Items marked Return to Shelf

  • Ensure you are: Damaged Shelf Desk
  • Click Acquisitions>Post-Receiving Processing>Scan In Items
  • Have Done set to YES
  • Wand Barcode


  • There may be fulfilment notes on the item
  • Click confirm and handle notes after


  • Item will be marked for Transit for Reshelving
  • If no further action is required:
  • Remove Damaged slip and place book on bottom shelf of the mail truck so it can be scanned in at User Services to remove In Transit Status


  • If notes need to be removed
  • Click Ellipsis (…)
  • Click Edit Item


  • Click Notes


  • Remove notes


  • Click Save


  • Remove Damaged slip and place book on bottom shelf of the mail truck so it can be scanned in at User Services to remove In Transit Status


Mending Procedures

  • Librarians may place a note on the Damaged slip to repair the item
  • Cataloging staff will perform small repairs on items as required
  • Need further information from Candice/Lynne- UPDATE


Library Collections Services Procedure Manual Copyright © by Lisa Wanner. All Rights Reserved.

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