5 Students Responsibilities
Tips for a successful online course
- All students are expected to prepare for the class presentations, discussions, assignments and examinations, as well as participate in the classes.
- You will require a great deal of persistence and self-discipline and will save yourself much of the stress associated with exams, assignments, and course deadlines by keeping “on top” of your course work.
- Check to make sure you have access to basic computer equipment and that you are familiar with it. For example, you will need regular access to a computer with an Internet connection. Make sure you feel comfortable working on the computer and on the Internet (including email) before the class starts!!
- Please use the resources that have been set up to help you; if in doubt, please call the LIVE-streamed Programs Office at the University of Regina at (306) 585-5804 or email ur.live@uregina.ca for assistance.
Accommodation Letters
- As a student, you are expected to discuss you Accommodation Letter and relevant needs with your instructors.
- you also must provide at least 7 days’ notice for any exam accommodations to be guaranteed.
The Centre for Student Accessibility and Counselling Services
Paskwaw Tower, room 119 (ground floor)
Student Wellness Centre
Mailing Address
University of Regina
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK S4S 0A2
Midterms & Final Exam Deferrals
If a student is unable to write a midterm exam at the scheduled time, it is the responsibility of the student to contact their instructor immediately to request a deferral.
Acceptable Grounds
Normally, only extreme and legitimate circumstances beyond the student’s control will be acceptable grounds for granting a deferred midterm exam (i.e., illness, accident, death in the family).
A Medical Certificate from an attending physician must accompany the request if the reason is medical. For other reasons, such evidence as is appropriate should be provided. Students who do not meet the above requirements may be required to pay for invigilation, should a deferral be granted.
If a deferral is granted, the student(s) must contact the Flexible Delivery Support Services Specialist and the instructor who will contact the Instructional Designer to arrange set up of a deferred online midterm.
Final Exam
Requests for deferrals of final exams must be made to the Dean of the faculty in which the student is enrolled. Students should notify their faculty or college and their instructor as quickly as possible if they are unable to write the final exam.
Grade Appeals
- Students are responsible for submitting their assignments on time. Students may submit their assignments online (via UR Courses, turnitin, email, or whatever the instructor chooses).
- If a student is not satisfied with their final grade for a specific course and wishes to submit a Grade Appeal request, the student must be able to submit the original (graded) copy of the term work, including any assignments, class work or quizzes. therefore, students are encouraged to keep all graded work until the end of a semester.
- To submit your Grade Appeal Request, please visit Registrar’s Office Online Store by clicking here.
Student Code of Conduct and Right to Appeal
Please view this document which includes more information on Grade Appeal Requests and covers topics like:
- Appeal of Grade,
- Deadline for Making an Appeal of Grade,
- Potential Grade Appeal Outcomes,
- Procedural Grade Appeal,
- Substantive Grade Appeals,
- Informal Discussion,
- Formal Submission, etc.
Surveys and Final Course Evaluation
Usually, Flexible Learning prepares a short Survey midway through the term and sends it to LIVE students.
The Final Course Evaluation should be completed by students during the last two weeks of classes. A note will be posted in UR Courses with a link to the evaluation. Students can click on the link and complete their evaluation online in Qualtrics.
All surveys and evaluations are completely anonymous and are to be completed only once for each course.