
Week 3

Introduction to the Individual Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Goal #1- No Poverty, Goal #2 – Zero Hunger, Goal #3 – Good Health and Well-being

This week we will be looking at the first three SDGs: #1- No Poverty, #2 – Zero Hunger, and #3 – Good Health and Well-being. These three SDGs work together to eradicate poverty and hunger to help all societies achieve a higher quality of life.

Previously we learned all UN member countries are working on the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.  We discussed how the 17 SDGs, with their 169 targets and 230+ indicators work together to help promote a shared global framework to achieve an equitable and sustainable future for all. We also learned the different scales of SDG implementation – at the global, national, and local level.

We also noted many of the SDGs can only be achieved through extensive local action. For today’s lecture, we will use Canada as an example to look at how each specific country adapts the global SDG targets and indicators to help set their own priorities and strategies for achieving the SDGs.

Graphic showing a move from collaboration on global single issues to integrated local issues
Graphic source: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs