Versioning History

This page provides a record of changes made to this toolkit. Each set of edits is acknowledged with a 1.00 increase in the version number. The exported files for this toolkit reflect the most recent version.

Version Date Change Details
1.00 November 28, 2022 Rural and Northern Social Work Practice: Canadian Perspectives textbook published in the University of Regina Pressbooks catalogue.
1.00 December 15, 2022 Minor changes to comply with University of Regina guidelines Changes to book cover to included logo and vertical side bar. Added Versioning History and Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing.
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 10 Added accent to the ‘a’ in “Maori”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 23 Deleted extra ‘;’ from “(Applebaum, 2012; ; Badwall, 2013; Davis, 2016; Delpit, 2006;…”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 28 Deleted double ‘or’ from “If you are working for a decolonial institution or or have some decolonial actions in your practice, how might you maintain this?”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 28 Deleted extra apostrophe from “Jeffery, D. (2005). ‘What good is anti-racist social work if you can’t master it’?:…”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 28 Deleted extra ‘p’ and added a space in title of “McMahon, J., Borg, D., & Delaney, R. (2010). Anti-oppressive social work practice with AboriginalpPeoples…”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 33 Capitalized the ‘C’ for Christian in “My christian training took that away, and I always felt I was not good enough, not lovable enough, and that I would never amount to anything.”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 42 Added an ‘n’ to ‘an’ in “…people have a inherent right to a good life.”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 45 Capitalized the ‘C’ for Christian in “Standards for assessment are based upon white, western and christian worldviews which fail to consider cultural knowledges, values and beliefs.”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 47 Deleted extra comma from “as in where does counselling take place,,”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 55 Deleted the ‘n’ from ‘an’ in “an euro-western educated social worker and academic,”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 73 Added space between “northernCanada”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 85 Corrected “oxydone.” to “oxycodone.”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 96 Deleted extra period from “beliefs regarding intelligence, evolution, and violence..”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 102 Deleted extra space at the end of “trauma-and-violence information care practices can be used .”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 115 Deleted the apostrophe at the end of “Some research has been done into individual factors that may exacerbate some individuals’ risk over others’.”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 134 Decapitalized “Uncle”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 135 Added a line between “three week”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 148 Corrected “meso” to “mezzo”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 150 Corrected “meso” to “mezzo”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 151 Changed “is” to “are” in “Increased connection and support is key to increased”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 151 Corrected “meso” to “mezzo”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 163 Added a line between “long term”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 173 Added a line between “long lasting”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 174 Added a line between “short term”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 176 Deleted space between “Formal infrastructure , which can”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 177 Added a line between “gender based”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 178 Added a line between “gender based”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 184 Deleted the space between “agai nst”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 185 Deleted the space between “(Corbeil et al., 1983, as cited in Walker , 2002)”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 186 Deleted the space between “(IPV )”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 187 Deleted the space between “women ( Daoud et al., 2013).”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 189 Deleted the space between “experiences of oppression , Murray et al.”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 189 Deleted the space between “violent the experience .”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 190 Deleted the space between “is not easily accessible .”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 192 Deleted the space between “within the community (communities served ).”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 193 Changed comma to period after ‘etc’ in “(e.g. satellite offices, crisis hotlines, etc,)”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 196 Added the space between (Government of Canada, 2019).Psychological Abuse:”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 201 Added a line between “long term”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 201 Added a line between “to a person centered”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 214 Added a line between “long term”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 218 Corrected “partia potestas” to “patria potestas”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 220 Added a line between “in the close knit communities”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 220 Corrected “collaborative approaches” to “collaborative approach”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 223 Deleted the space between “( Durrant et al., 2017; Straus, 2001)”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 228 Added a line between “third party”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 235 Deleted the extra ‘the’ in “previously been on the the Royal College Regional Advisory Committee”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 235 Corrected “KIdsFirst Program” to “KidsFirst Program”
1.00 August 7, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 237 Deleted the space between “( baby carriers )”
1.00 November 12, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 20 Deleted “My master’s degree in public policy has made it more apparent how urban settings have governing power over rural locations. As an urban resident, I live with the privilege of increased autonomy compared to many rural communities attempt to have governing.”
1.00 November 27, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 32 Removed “to” between way and for.
1.00 November 27, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 41 Corrected the title and note, changing “Severn” to “Seven”.
1.00 November 27, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 42 Corrected name of author cited. Citation should read “Absolon (2011)”.
1.00 December 3, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 225 Suggest that include the following addition in the case example entitled, Investigating Child Physical Abuse, first paragraph, last sentence:


“I was taken aback by his argument and felt I could not respond adequately due to my own lack of knowledge of biblical text and having grown up in a non-Christian home.”

1.00 December 3, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 17 Provide an example of “rurally influenced cities”.
1.00 December 3, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 22  More recent citation added: (CIHI 2023; Pesut et al. 2022; Pugh et al., 2019).
1.00 December 3, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 23  Updated statistics
1.00 December 3, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 23 In the second full paragraph, replaced focuses with foci. In the last sentence of the last full paragraph, replaced foci with approaches.
1.00 December 4, 2023 Addressing BIPOC/ 2SLGBTQ+ of reviewer comments in Chapter 2.
1.00 December 5, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 76 Changed reference of Turtle Island from Canada to ‘North America’.
1.00 December 5, 2023 Typo corrections completed on page 77 Changed reference of Turtle Island from  Canada to ‘North America’.
2.00 April 21, 2024 Typo corrections completed on page 155 Added “how” into “… outside of urban settings, and how to identify strategies to reduce that stigma.”
2.00 April 21, 2024 Addressing BIPOC/ 2SLGBTQ+ of reviewer comments in Chapter 4.
2.00 April 21, 2024 Addressing BIPOC/ 2SLGBTQ+ of reviewer comments in Chapter 6.
2.00 April 22, 2024 Addressing positionality statement from reviewer comments in Chapter 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ,13. Added positionality statements for each author and co-author at the end of the noted chapters.
2.00 May 30, 2024 Addressing reviewer comments and recommendation for Chapter 2 Whole chapter has been updated to reflect peer reviewed comments and recommendations
2.00 May 30, 2024 Addressing reviewer comments and recommendation for Chapter 8 Whole chapter has been updated to reflect peer reviewed comments and recommendations
2.00 May 31, 2024 Reference updated and typos corrected in Chapter 13 The new 2024 Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) Code of Ethics was added.

The Riebschleger & Pierce (2018) reference was updated.

The Burczycka (2018) reference was moved within the reference list.

2.00 June 6, 2024  Added section introductions for Section 1, 2, and 3 Brief introduction to each section added to section title page
2.01 August 14, 2024  Added Attributions page in Front Matter
Cover image design and images used attributions
2.02 August 15, 2024  Added Acknowledgment page in Front Matter
Funding acknowledgement


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Rural and Northern Social Work Practice: Copyright © 2024 by Bonnie Jeffery and Nuelle Novik is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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