H5P activities list

This book includes 51 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
21Authentic Assessment ExamplesIframe Embedder
22M2 Scenario Professor H2Course Presentation
23M2 Scenario Professor H3Course Presentation
24M2 Scenario Professor H4Course Presentation
25rubric embedderIframe Embedder
26Scaffolding Authentic AssessmentsCourse Presentation
27M2 Scenario Professor H5Course Presentation
28Considerations and ChallengesIframe Embedder
29Assessment Cycle InfographicImage Hotspots
30BenefitsInteractive Book
31Aligning OutcomesInteractive Book
32M3 Knowledge CheckColumn
33Designing with PedagogyImage Hotspots
34M3 Scenario Professor J1Course Presentation
35M3 Scenario Professor J2Course Presentation
36Student SupportsInteractive Book
37M3 Scenario Professor J3Course Presentation
38M3 Scenario Professor J4Course Presentation
39M3 Activity DMADocumentation Tool
40University of Ottawa SurveyCourse Presentation
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