
Eisha Bhangu; Jovenvir Birk; and Xinyu Cao

Reflective Question

  • Have you ever received training in your workplace? Does the organization you work for invest efforts into constantly improving training programs?
  • Have you ever had a chance to evaluate a training program? If so, what are the criteria you used during the evaluation process? If not, what do you think should be included as one of the criteria?
  • Does your workplace have an effective training program? If it does, how is it evaluated and what are the benefits and outcomes of the specific training program?
  • Think about the workplace you are in now. How is the training program being evaluated? Is your HR department incorporating Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation when evaluating the training program?
  • What do you think the consequences are of not improving training programs? Why is it crucial to make changes or improvements to training programs?
  • If you ever completed a similar process, whether as a student or an employee, what would be the benefit of engaging in the program evaluation process.


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