
Eisha Bhangu; Jovenvir Birk; and Xinyu Cao

To determine how effective a training program is, a combination of qualitative and quantitative measurements needs to be taken into account (Ayesha, 2021). Through consistent evaluations of the effectiveness of the program, organizations can recognize its strengths and weaknesses. The following are some of many indicators that can be used to assess efficiency.

Time to Proficiency

To determine whether the training program implemented is effective, it is helpful t to analyze the time to proficiency. To get the best results in a short time frame, the training program must allow trainees to learn quickly. Organizations can do this by ensuring the learning is concise and engaging. To assess time to proficiency, trainers can form focus groups and evaluate learners’ performance. This can be accomplished before and after training to identify the time it takes to reach a certain level of proficiency (Ayesha, 2021).

Knowledge and Skill Retention

As many people easily forget information, organizations must find ways to maintain knowledge and skill retention among their trainees. Competencies can be retained by keeping training programs engaging, short and repetitive across regular intervals. To determine the effectiveness of the training program, trainers can assess learners’ ability to retain knowledge and skills. This can be evaluated by determining the difference between the trainee’s performance before and after training (Ayesha, 2021).

Transfer of Training

The main purpose of training employees is to allow them to turn knowledge into skills to provide better outcomes. The performance of employees impacts the overall performance of the organization. Therefore, it is important to ensure the training program is enabling trainees to successfully improve. The success of the transfer of training can be measured through various factors including training follow-up, performance data and observation (Ayesha, 2021).

Impact on Organizational Performance Metrics

By providing effective training, organizations can increase their productivity levels, service efficiencies and overall organizational performance. Therefore, training is a key contributor to an organization’s success rate. To measure the impact of training on organizational performance, organizations should measure the performance metrics before and after training (Ayesha, 2021).

Employee Engagement

To ensure employees are fully engaged, businesses must prioritize employee satisfaction, confidence and commitment. Engaged employees are motivated and will perform more efficiently. To measure employee engagement, organizations can use analytic tools to ensure successful job performance. Through employee engagement, organizations can increase employee retention and reduce turnover rates (Ayesha, 2021).

Net Promoter Score 

To ensure that customers are satisfied with businesses, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) can be used to assess customer experiences and satisfaction with the organization (Ayesha, 2021). This helps employers determine how well the employees are performing their jobs. To measure the Net Promoter Score, customers are required to evaluate how likely they are to recommend the organization’s services to their friends and peers based on their personal experience. This same process can be used to measure an employee’s satisfaction level at a workplace. Employees can assess how likely they are to recommend the training program to their co-workers. This helps organizations determine how effective their training programs are and identify improvements that need to be made (Ayesha, 2021).


Outcomes of Effective Training Program Evaluations

Why are Training Program Evaluations Important?

Training program evaluations allow organizations to recognize if the needs analysis, training design and delivery, and training evaluation are aligned and serving the organization’s needs.

Andales (2021) states that the indicators of training effectiveness are the acquisition of new skills and knowledge, learning experience, employee happiness, efficiency and financial impacts.

Benefits and Outcomes of Training Program Evaluations

The benefits of training evaluation include employee retention, increased sales, higher quality ratings, improved customer satisfaction, and fewer complaints from employees.

Outcome and action-oriented results are obtained from training program evaluations, along with actionable steps and decisions for leaders, managers, and employees within organizations (Leading Effectively Staff, 2020).

Organizational Benefits

The benefit of effective training program evaluations is primarily related to organizational success. More specifically, organizational success refers to increased productivity, performance and employee morale. Evaluating the effectiveness of training programs, will lead to organizational benefits. This can be shown through key HR metrics such as increased retention rates and lower turnover rates, along with increases in top performer rates.

Application to the HR Industry

HR professionals can learn from both effective and ineffective training programs. HR professionals can build off successful training programs by continuing to offer the same training programs to employees. On the other hand, HR professionals can determine if a training program is inadequate by a lack of training retention and transfer into the workplace.

Overall, the outcomes and benefits of effective training programs include increased employee morale, knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies. This leads to significant organizational benefits such as improved productivity, performance and customer satisfaction.


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