
Bhavnit Sarai; Daniela San Pedro; and Hannah Doyle

Providing off-the-job training not only gives the employee and employer flexibility in training but also allows employees to pay attention and have more time to complete their tasks at work. Moreover, employees can completely focus their attention on training rather than completing tasks and training assignments at the same time. This can make employees feel rushed, and they may only gain a partial understanding of the material. An effective solution to ensuring that employees learn the training content is for organizations to offer seminars and workshops where employees are not distracted and are encouraged to stay off their devices.

Holding special events such as a ceremony for certification awards after these seminars and workshops creates memorable moments for employees and increases performance and retention in the organization (Duggan, n.d.). Here are some ways to test and improve the effectiveness of off-the-job training:

  • Align to Organizational Objectives: Conduct a needs analysis to assess participants’ and organizational needs before you offer specific training
  • Participant Feedback: Offer surveys and feedback sessions to improve the program
  • Participant Interaction: Offer rewards and incentives to employees who show outstanding performance on tests or have regular participation in completing modules and learning activities
  • Manager Evaluations: After completing off-the-job training sessions, managers can assess the employees’ performance. For example, holding online conferences on team building will allow managers to see the improvements in performance when the employees return to work (Duggan, n.d.).

Off-the-job training has short- and long-term impacts on the organization and its employees. Return on investment (ROI) includes employees staying up-to-date on work standards, job performance and employee engagement. It also ensures that employees regularly align their goals and values with the organization and participate in making a positive impact on the workplace (Duggan, n.d.).



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