5 Processes to navigate when developing projects

When  completing a funded OER project, there are some tasks that need to be completed. These are listed below.

  1. Organise your start of the project based on your project timeline. Make sure that you note the milestones on your project workplan.
  2. If you plan to hire students for your project, then you will need to follow the steps laid out in the Administrative Procedures for OER Projects chapter.
  3. Students working on OER grant-funded projects are required to submit time cards for payment. The project lead is responsible for submitting these time cards and tracking the student hours.
  4. The project lead will need to keep track of the funds remaining for the project.
  5. As per the terms in the OER grant contract, project authors will need to provide regular updates on the progress of the OER development.
  6. Early on in the development process, projects focused on producing texts, workbooks, etcetera, should apply for an ISBN. Download the ISBN application form [DOCX].
  7. All OER project leads that are creating books should also obtain CIP Information from the Government of Canada. Project authors need to contact the OER Program Manager upon completion of all chapters of a text and provide the following information for the application process:
    • title and subtitle(s)
    • Proof of the title page
    • Preface of the book
    • Introduction
    • Cover
    • Table of contents
    • Planned date of publication
    • Author(s), editor(s), translator(s), etc.
    • Full name, date of birth and nationality of author(s), editor(s), translator(s), etc.
    • ISBN,
    • date of previous edition(s)
    • summary of the contents of the work
  8. All large project grants must undergo a single-blind peer review process. The principle author must contact the OER Program Manager approximately one month before completion indicating readiness for the peer review process to begin. This will provide sufficient lead time to identify peer reviewers for the project. Peer reviewers have up to 6 weeks to perform the review and submit a report. It is up to the project authors to write a response to the review, outlining the changes they or the contributor(s) will make and rationale for those recommendations they will not be incorporating. This written response is to be submitted to the Program Manager at open.textbooks@uregina.ca to be distributed to the OER Committee. After all necessary revisions have been completed, a reviewer may be asked to conduct a short reread to confirm that any concerns have been addressed by the editor(s)/author(s)/contributor(s). If all concerns are satisfied, the revised manuscript will enter the publication process (public release into digital platform, etc.).


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